1.Sarita, study them (the words). __________________________________ 2.Chicos, learn it (the vocab) _____________________________________ 3.Estudiantes, open them (the notebooks) _____________________________________ 4.Roberto, bring it to me (the chicken) _____________________________________ 5.Señor Gomez, use them (the towels) _____________________________________ 6.Señores, care for them (the cats) _____________________________________ 7.Niñas, do it for them (the homework, your friends) ____________________________ 8.Chicos, resolve it! (the problem) _____________________________________ 9.Paco, play them (los juegos) _____________________________________ 10.Estudiantes, play them! (los juegos) _____________________________________
11. Señor, publish it (the newspaper) _____________________________________ 12. Isabel, publish it (the magazine) _____________________________________ 13.Chicas, start it! (the movie) ____________________________ 14. Josefina, start them (the novels) _____________________________________ 15. Hombres, use it! (the toothpaste) _____________________________________ 16. César, play it for me (the music) _____________________________________ 17. Chicas, play it for them (the song) _____________________________________ 18. Fernando, do it for us (the homework) _____________________________________ 19.Señora, bring it to us (the ice cream) _____________________________________ 20. Sis, make them for us (cookies) _____________________________________
21. Padre, make it for me (dinner) _____________________________________ 22. Mom, buy it for us (the computer) _____________________________________ 23. Students, buy it for her (the pencil) _____________________________________ 24. Maestro, play it for them (the song) _____________________________________ 25. Students, sing it for him (the song) _____________________________________ 26. Señores, buy it for us (the ice cream) _____________________________________ 27. Friends, follow me! _____________________________________ 28. Alfredo, follow me! _____________________________________ 29. Chicas, give it to us (the newspaper) _____________________________________ 30. Alejandra, ask him for it (his number) _____________________________________
31. Chicas, order them for her (the enchiladas) _____________________________________ 32. Chicos, relax! _____________________________________ 33. Girls, wash them! (your hands) _____________________________________ 34. Raúl, brush them! (Your teeth) _____________________________________ 35. Chicas, put them on! (the dresses) _____________________________________ 36. Ariana, put it on! (the skirt) _____________________________________ 37. Perla, get dressed! _____________________________________ 38. Girls, get up! _____________________________________ 39. Boys, lay down! _____________________________________
1.Señor, don’t publish it (the newspaper) _____________________________________ 2.Isabel, don’t publish it (the magazine) _____________________________________ 3.Chicas, don’t start it! (the movie) _____________________________________ 4.Chicas, don’t play it for them (the song) _____________________________________ 5.Fernando, don’t do it for us (the homework) _____________________________________ 6.Sarita, don’t study them (the words). __________________________________ 7.Chicos, don’t learn it (the vocab) _____________________________________ 8.Estudiantes, don’t open them (the notebooks) ___________________________________ 9.Roberto, don’t bring it to me (the chicken) _____________________________________ 10.Señor Gomez, don’t use them (the towels) _____________________________________
11. Señores, don’t care for them (the cats) _____________________________________ 12 Niñas, don’t do it for them (the homework, your friends) __________________________ 13 Chicos, don’t resolve it! (the problem) _____________________________________ 14 Padre, don’t make it for me (dinner) _____________________________________ 15 Mom, don’t buy it for us (the computer) _____________________________________ 16 Students, don’t buy it for her (the pencil) _____________________________________ 17 Maestro, don’t don’t play it for them (the song) __________________________________ 18 Paco, don’t play them (los juegos) _____________________________________ 19. Estudiantes, don’t play them! (los juegos) _____________________________________ 20 Josefina, don’t start them (the novels) _____________________________________
21 Hombres, don’t use it! (the toothpaste) _____________________________________ 22. César, don’t play it for me (the music) _____________________________________ 23. Señora, don’t bring it to us (the ice cream) _____________________________________ 24. Chicas, don’t give it to us (the newspaper) _____________________________________ 25 Alejandra, don’t ask him for it (his number) _____________________________________ 26 Chicas, don’t order them for her (the enchiladas) __________________________________ 27. Sis, don’t make them for us (cookies) _____________________________________ 28.Students, don’t sing it for him (the song) _____________________________________ 29.Señores, don’t buy it for us (the ice cream) _____________________________________ 30 You guys, don’t follow me! _____________________________________
31 You, don’t follow me! _____________________________________ 32 Chicos, don’t relax! _____________________________________ 33 Girls, don’t wash them! (your hands) _____________________________________ 34 Raúl, don’t brush them! (Your teeth) _____________________________________ 35 Chicas, don’t put them on! (the dresses) _____________________________________ 36. Ariana, don’t put it on! (the skirt) _____________________________________ 37. Perla, don’t get dressed! _____________________________________ 38. Girls, don’t get up! _____________________________________ 39. Boys, don’t lay down! _____________________________________
40 Let’s play it! (el partido) ________________________________________ __________________________ 41 Let’s play them! (the instruments) _______________________ __________________________ 42 Let’s work as volunteers! ___________________________________ __________________________ 43 Let’s help! _______________________________________ __________________________ 44 Let’s follow them (the instructions) ______________________________ ____________________________________________ 45 Let’s get up! = _______________________________ ____________________________________________
46 Let’s fall asleep! = _________________________ ____________________________________________ 47 Let’s brush our teeth! _______________________________ ____________________________________________ 48 Let’s brush them (the teeth) _______________________________ ____________________________________________ 49 Let’s order it! (the chicken) _______________________________ ____________________________________________ 50 Let’s study it (Spanish) _______________________________ 51 Let’s go out! _______________________________ ____________________________________________ 52 Let’s go! (irse) _______________________________ ____________________________________________ 53 Let’s make it (a cake) _______________________________ ____________________________________________