State Leadership Conference 2011
Hat- $3.00 Black Polo- $15.00 Bag- $8.00
FCCLA Sweater- $23.00 Grey or Black Sweat Pants- $15.00
Pens- 2 for $1.00 FCCLA Decal- $3.00 Alumni Decal- $ Years of FCCLA Pin- $2.00
Hoodie- $25.00 Colors-Red, fushia, purple, brown, honey, Irish green, paprika, pink, royal blue, and black New Item- Tie Dye Shirts- $ Pictures not available yet!!!
Assorted Colors- $22.00 Red Long Sleeve Shirt- $12.00 Fleece Skirt $15.00 Fleece Shorts- $10.00
Grey Long Sleeve Shirt- $12.00 Denim Shirt- $22.00 Black Denim Shirt- $22.00
Grey, Red or Black Long Sleeve Shirts- $12.00