Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) Analysis of Arroyo de la Laguna Associated with Zone 7’s StreamWISE Program Alameda Creek Watershed Sediment Forum April 23, 2008 Virginia Mahacek Valley & Mountain Consulting for West Yost Associates
Introduction Study Context –StreamWISE program Initial Geomorphic Investigation –Spring 2007 Preliminary Concepts –Summer 2007 BSTEM Modeling and Refinement –Fall 2007 Potential ADLL Project Areas 9-May-152
Approach Representative Sites on ADLL –Initial Investigation Results Existing Geomorphic Conditions –Estimates of Parameters Future Stormwater Flows –Hydrographs with COL (provided by WYA) Alternative Treatments –BSTEM Scenarios 9-May-153
Bed and Bank Problems 4 Conceptual Projects Bed Incision Toe Erosion Bank Failures Debris Jams Locations Treatment Types
BSTEM Sites Location Sub-Reach Description Average Local Bed SlopeChannel Status River Station ft/ft 47115US of Bernal0.0008Constructed 42069Bernal to B Degrading B-2-1 to Castlewood0.0025Degrading/Widening Castlewood to Verona0.0022Degrading/Widening Castlewood to Verona0.0029Degrading/Widening DS of Verona; SFPUC0.0014Aggrading/Widening
River Station Left (East) Bank Clear Lake clay soils Holocene basin deposits
River Station Left (East) Bank Sycamore silt loam Holocene stream terrace Latest Holocene alluvial fan
River Station Right (West) Bank Zamora silt loam Holocene stream terrace Early Quaternary or older bedrock
River Station Left (East) Bank Yolo Loam Latest Holocene stream terrace
River Station Right (West) Bank Yolo loam Holocene stream terrace
River Station Left (East) Bank Yolo loam Latest Holocene stream terrace
BSTEM Version 4.1 Quantitative, predictive tests of… –Hydraulic Scour –Geotechnical Failure Surface water Water-table Vegetation Bank height Bank composition Bank angle National Sedimentation Laboratory Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Toe material
Model Inputs Topography/Geometry Stratigraphy Bed and Bank Materials Groundwater Vegetation Hydrograph Duration Water Stage 9-May-1513
Modeled Treatments 9-May-1514 Treatment CategoryTreatment Type Bank Protection Placed Rock Bank Protection Placed Rock Toe-of-Bank Protection Geoweb Bank Protection Geoweb Toe-of-Bank Protection Reduced Bank Height and Angle Bank Strengthening Bank Drainage Vegetative Bank Strengthening
Model Output Toe Erosion –occurrences –retreat distances –eroded volumes Bank Failure –occurrences –eroded volumes – peak or drawdown conditions 9-May-1515
Initial Geomorphic Inventory + BSTEM Modeling = Potential Project Areas to be considered by StreamWISE 16 P OTENTIAL ADLL P ROJECT A REAS
Questions? 9-May-1517