Human Traits Lab
Objectives: Objectives: 1) To observe some inherited traits. 2) To see whether dominant traits are more common than recessive traits Procedures: Procedures: Check yourself and all other members of your class for the following traits. Record the data on the chart provided.
Tongue Rolling The tongue can be rolled to form a “U” The tongue can be rolled to form a “U”
Bent Pinky The last joint of the pinky is bent toward the other fingers
Widow’s Peak When the hair is pulled back, a distinct point of hair can be seen in the center of the forehead When the hair is pulled back, a distinct point of hair can be seen in the center of the forehead
Attached Earlobes The earlobes are attached to the side of the head, all the way to the bottom of the lobe.
Hitchhiker’s Thumb The last joint of the thumb bends back at a right angle to the rest of the thumb The last joint of the thumb bends back at a right angle to the rest of the thumb
Short Big Toe The big toe is shorter than the second toe
Short Index Finger When held perpendicular to a straight line, the index finger is shorter than the ring finger When held perpendicular to a straight line, the index finger is shorter than the ring finger
Mid Digital Hair The middle section of each finger has hair on it The middle section of each finger has hair on it
Pigmented Iris The iris of the eye is brown, black, hazel or green Blue or gray irises are unpigmented
PTC Taster 1. Place one end of the “control” paper on the tip of your tongue. 2. Place one end of the “PTC” paper on the tip of your tongue. If you notice a difference in the taste of paper, a distinctly bitter taste, then you can taste the chemical phenylthiocarbonate If you notice a difference in the taste of paper, a distinctly bitter taste, then you can taste the chemical phenylthiocarbonate
Folded Hands When hands are folded in your lap, the LEFT thumb falls naturally on top When hands are folded in your lap, the LEFT thumb falls naturally on top
Color Blindness Use the picture to test for colorblindness
Dimples Smile at a neighbor to determine if you have dimples or not Smile at a neighbor to determine if you have dimples or not
Class Data It is now time to share your data with the class. It is now time to share your data with the class. The teacher will take a poll to see how many students have each trait. Please listen carefully and raise your hand when appropriate. The teacher will take a poll to see how many students have each trait. Please listen carefully and raise your hand when appropriate. For each trait, record the total number of students in the class that have the trait in the data table. For each trait, record the total number of students in the class that have the trait in the data table. Calculate the percent of students in your class that have the trait by dividing the number of students that have the trait by the total number of students in the class. Calculate the percent of students in your class that have the trait by dividing the number of students that have the trait by the total number of students in the class.
Analysis 1) Use your data to answer #1. 2) Use the chart to answer #2 3) Complete the rest of the analysis questions DominantRecessive Tongue roll No roll Bent pinky Straight pinky Widow’s peak Straight hairline Free earlobe Attached earlobe Normal thumb Hitchhiker thumb Short big toe Long big toe Short index finger Long index finger No middigital hair Middigital hair Pigmented Iris Unpigmented iris Bitter Taste No Taste Left thumb on top Right thumb on top Normal colorvision Colorblind Dimples No dimples