An Overview of Common Criteria Protection Profiles María M. Larrondo Petrie, PhD March 26, 2004
Overview Common Criteria CC Information Assurance IATFF CC Protection Profiles –Structure –Development Tools Case Study – Role Based Access Control References
Common Criteria Common Criteria (CC) – replaces security criteria and processes used in the (14) common criteria countries with the goal that product evaluations conducted in one country would be accepted in other countries US entities involved in CC is National Information Assurance Partnership NIAP, a partnership between –National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST –National Security Agency NSA
Common Criteria: What is it? Common Criteria (CC) – catalog of criteria and a framework for organizing a subset of the criteria into security specification Who uses it? Common Criteria Product Vendors Certifiers EvaluatorsConsumersApprovers Accreditors Developers
Common Criteria Evolution of International Security Standards Orange Book (TCSEC) 1985 UK Confidence Levels 1989 German Criteria French Criteria Canadian Criteria CTCPEC) 1993 Federal Criteria (FC) Draft 1993 ITSEC 1991 Common Criteria V V V ISO International Standard
Common Criteria - Terminology PP - Protection Profile– implementation independent criteria SP - Security Profile– implementation dependent criteria TOE – Target of Evaluation – what you are describing – your product EAL – Evaluation Assurance Level – CC assurance levels – 7 hierarchical – EAL1thru EAL7 – EAL1 (least amount) CEM – Common Evaluation Method – set of steps for validating assurance requirements in an SP – Only addresses levels EAL1 through EAL4.
CC Protection Profile (PP) High-level expression of desired security properties (i.e. security environment, security objectives and security requirements) A mechanism to provide Consumers the ability to specify their security requirements Generic so multiple implementations may meet the stated requirements PP represents “I want” from giles.ppt
CC Security Target (ST) High-level expression of claimed security properties A mechanism to provide Vendors the ability to make claims regarding their security products Specific to an implementation ST represents “I provide”
IATFF What? A security guidance document developed by NSA’s ISSO organization with support from security advocates in government and industry Constraints? –Unclassified –Published on the Internet Primary Coordination forum? Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum (IATFF)
IATF Help government users become wiser consumers of implementing security solutions Assist industry in understanding the government’s needs and the nature of the desired solutions to these needs Focus Government and Industry investment resources on the security technology gaps
How does the Framework help Government Users? By describing their needs to the industry providers By “suggesting” the important characteristics of security solutions to different classes of problems By providing an assessment of the security technology available on the open market
Security Methodology Organizational Security Policy Risk Assessment Certification and Accreditation Non-TechnicalTechnical Security Countermeasures Life-Cycle Security Management Adversaries, Motivations, and Attacks National/ Service/Agency Policies, Regulations, Standards Mission Needs
National Policy NSTISSIC, NSTISSAM PeopleOperations GIG Policy GIG IA Policy & Implementation Guidance Technology GIG Architecture Services, Protocols, etc. Information Assurance Technical Framework Defend the Computing Environment Supporting Infrastructures Detect & Respond KMI/ PKI Executive Summaries, Protection Profiles Defend the Network & Infrastructure Defend the Enclave Boundary NIAP -Testing -Evaluation -Certification DITSCAP Certification and Accreditation process Intel Comm. DCID 6/3 Flow from Policy to Specification
People Operations Successful Mission Execution Information Assurance Technology Defense In Depth Strategy Defend the Computing Environment Supporting Infrastructures Defend the Enclave Boundary Detect & Respond KMI/PKI Defend the Network & Infrastructure How It’s Organized Central Change: Alignment with Defense-In-Depth NSF Chapter 5 “Security Solutions Framework” NSF Chapter 5 “Security Solutions Framework” Chapter 8 Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 IATF:
Today’s Framework Elements Information Assurance Technical Framework (IATF) Main Body Information Assurance Tutorial & General Guidance Executive Summaries Concise, Definitive Security Requirements For Specific Cases Protection Profiles Formal Common Criteria Documents for Defining Testable Requirements IATF Release 2.0, Figure 1-2, Composition of the IATF IATF Release 2.0, Figure 1-2, Composition of the IATF Appendix F: Case Specific Guidance (aka “executive summaries”) Appendix F: Case Specific Guidance (aka “executive summaries”) Appendix G: Protection Profiles Appendix G: Protection Profiles The “Document” Protection Profile for ______ Executive Summary for ______ User Situation & Need for Information Assurance Solution
IATF: Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum
IATF: Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum
Three Kinds of Protection Profiles DoD (COTS) Acquisition Protection Profiles –Developed To Become Binding Procurement Guidance for DoD –Must Be Achievable with Today’s Technology –May Be Accompanied by Additional Specification Data –Will Be Coordinated DoD-Wide by OSD –Ultimately “Owned” by OASD(C3I) Technology Goal Protection Profiles –Developed To Influence Development of New Technology –Focused on Future Needs or Implementations –“Owned” by NSA Specific Need Protection Profiles –Developed In Response to a Customer’s Specific Need –Subject to Customer Approval –“Owned” by the Customer
Common Criteria Protection Profile Common Criteria Protection Profile (CC PP) – an implementation independent statement of security requirements that is shown to address threats that exist in a specified environment A PP is appropiate when –Consumer group wishes to specify security requirements for an application type (e.g., electronic funds transfer) –Government wishes to specify security requirements for a class of security products (e.g., firewalls) –An organization wishes to purchase an IT system to address its security requirements (e.g., patient records for a hospital)
Contents of a Protection Profile PP Introduction –PP Identification –PP Overview Target of Evalustion (TOE) TOE Security Environment –Assumptions –Threats –Organizational security policies Security Objectives –Security objectives for the TOE –Security objectives for the environment IT Security Requirements –TOE Security Requirements Security functional req. Security assurance req. –Sec. reqs. for IT environment PP Application Notes Rationales –Security objectives rationale –Security requirements rational
What is in a PP Security Environment Defined –The TOE will be used in environments in which no higher than sensitive but unclassified information is processed, or the sensitivity level of information in both the internal and external networks is the same. Firewalls compliant provide access control policies, extensive auditing and a low level of assurance. Secure Usage Assumptions –Connectivity Assumptions Single entry point –Physical Assumptions Control of physical access –Personnel Assumptions Trustworthy Administrator
What is in a PP Organizational Security Policies Threats to Security –Threats Addressed by the TOE An unauthorized person may gain logical access to TOE Lack of audit trail Undetected penetration attempts –Threats to be Addressed by Operating Environment Hostile system administrator Sophisticated attacks on higher-level protocols Security Objectives Functional Security Requirements and Assurance
The CC Toolbox Information Assurance “TurboTax” design tool for: –Architects –System Engineers –Requirements Activities Focused on: –Application of the CC –Describing Security Features –Specifying Security Requirements –Drafting ST’s and PP’s
Registered Protection Profiles Sets of registered Protection Profiles exist at the following locations: – ndex.html – – – (currently being updated so I could not look up the list to see if it including what we are trying to propose) –
References [NIST, 2003] “Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation: Common Language to Express Common Needs”, Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC), National Institute of Standards and Technology, created 12 November 2002, last updated 19 May 2003, “Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, User Guide, CESG, UK and NIST, USA, Syntegra, October [Towns and Britton, 1999] Towns, M. and K. Britton. Protection Profile Development Workshop: Student Handbook, Ver. 2.0, NIAP/NIST, [Grainger 2000] Granger, G. Common Criteria Tools, Mitretek Systems, May 25, 2000.