Hygiene If you can see it or smell it, other people can too! Some Material Compiled and edited from Skillstreaming for the Adolescent, 5 Against the Law, NO B.O., and How Rude Created by Chris Preston
Are you doing these things every day? SkillMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Wash Hair Wash body w/soap Head-toe Comb hair Brush Teeth Clean Clothes Look in mirror Use Deodorant
You should own and use all of these items Deodorant (everyday) Shaving CreamShampoo (everyday) Soap (everyday) Razor Feminine Hygiene Products (only for women) Floss Tooth Paste (twice a day) Tooth Brush (everyday)
Grooming Clip your finger and toe nails Use these to clip your finger and toe nails Use products like this to help with acne Use these in your ears. They are called cotton swabs or “Q-Tips.”
NO!!!!! STOP PICKING!!!!! Use a Kleenex
Stop Biting!!!!!
Take a shower. Use soap, shampoo and warm water! Clean all of this
Wash your hands every time you are done in the bathroom.
Use this every time you go to the bathroom! Toilet Paper
Clothes do not become clean over time. You can’t shake a smell out of a shirt. These clothes are dirty and should not be worn. Clean clothes should be worn everyday Clean your clothes in this machine.
How do you tie a Tie? Wearing a Tie is a nice way of looking serious and more formal.
Review These are things you should do in the morning. Wash your hair Using soap to wash your body from head to toe and everything in between Cleaning your ears Checking your hand and toe nails for length and cleanliness Combing your hair Shaving Flossing Brushing your teeth Putting on clean underwear, socks, shirts and pants Looking at yourself in the mirror before you leave to double check that you look okay