TIC TAC TOE INSTRUCTIONS Tic Tac Toe Instructions The basic concept of Tic Tac Toe 1.This is a game for two players. You can get a friend to play with you.The board is a square with three times three squares. 2.First you decide who will be using O's and who will using X's. Second decide who will start. 3.The players put their symbol in an empty square when it is his/her turn. 4.The first person with three of their symbols along a straight line or diagonally line has won.
FUNCTIONS FOR TIC TAC TOE FUNCTIONS: Asking players names Print Instructions Asking difficulty Asking size of the grid Inputting the noughts and crosses Who has won – computer/player Who's going first
PSEUDO CODE FOR TIC TAC TOE 1.Create an empty Tic-Tac-Toe board 2.Display the game instructions 3.Determine who goes first 4.Display the board 5.While nobody's win and it's not a tie If it's the human's turn Get the human's move 8. Update the board with the human's move 9. Otherwise Calculate the computer's move 11. Update the board with the computer's move 12. Display the board 13. Switch turns 14.Congratulate the winner or declare a tie
PSEUDO CODE FOR THE FUNCTIONS FOR TIC TAC TOE 1.First ask the players name 2.Print the players name 3.Then show the Instructions 4.Print instructions 5.Ask the player how difficult they want the game 6.Ask the player what size they want the grid 7.Print particular grid size according to the players want 8.Print who's going first (Randomised) 9.Each player will Input the noughts and crosses 10.Print who has won the game– computer/player