B.S. Elementary Instruction -- Saint Vincent College M.Ed. Special Education -- California University of PA Pennsylvania State Teacher Certifications Pre-K - 6 Elementary and Early Childhood Education Pre-K – 8 Special Education Completed first year of teaching in the Elizabeth Forward School District Thrilled to be teaching at my Alma Mater in my old 5 th Grade Homeroom at RES!
Classroom Rules 1. Be Prepared. 2. Raise your hand. 3. Listen and follow directions. 4. Keep our classroom neat and clean. 5. Respect yourself and others.
Friday Folders
Spelling Tic Tac Toe Homework: Spelling Tic Tac Toe is assigned on THURSDAY after the Spelling pretest and will be collected the following THURSDAY. Assignments will not be accepted until the beginning of the class period on Thursdays. Incomplete Assignments: Students will receive a check mark for each assignment that is not completed on time. If the student does not complete the assignment on time, he or she must sit out for recess and complete the assignment. Homework Tally System: If ALL students in the class have turned in their homework ON TIME, that class receives a Homework Tally. The class with the most tallies at the end of the nine weeks will receive a class reward.
All student materials are aligned to meet the Common Core Standards. Spelling – 20 regular words and 5 challenge words Grammar – Capitalization, Punctuation, Daily Language Practice Writing – 4 types of Writing
Grammar Some concepts we will be covering this year are: Different Types of Sentences Clauses Parts of Speech
How do I help your child learn in Language Arts? Intervention Time 11:45am – 12:30pm In the mornings, during the school day, or at the end of the day, if students need assistance, they may come to me with any questions! I provide reinforcement of Reading/Writing Strategies across all subject areas.