Working At Height
Avoid Avoid working at height if possible. Consider whether the work can be done: At ground level Elsewhere, e.g. at the manufacturers From a less high position
Risk Assessment If work at height has to be done: - Carry out a risk assessment to determine hazards, risks and the control measures needed.
Follow The Hierarchy Of Risk Control: 1.Avoid work at height where possible. 2. Use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls when you cannot avoid working at height. 3. Use work equipment to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall. 4. Use collective protection measures e.g. nets, airbags, platforms whenever possible. 5. Use personal fall arrest systems only as a last resort.
Falling Objects Prevent objects falling from heights by: Good housekeeping Tying tools etc. to belts Providing toe boards Providing full in-fill panels, brick guards, debris nets
Ladders Use step ladders and ladders only if there is no alternative. Follow safe working practices. Use only for light work of short duration. Use for access only, not as a working platform.
Work Equipment Check work equipment e.g. harnesses, lanyards etc. before use and regularly with a formal inspection system. Record the findings in a record.
Defective Equipment Report any defective guard rails, handrails, toe boards etc.
How High? Remember, a fall of only 1m can do as much damage as a fall from a greater height. People can die or suffer severe brain damage, break their neck/spine etc. from short distances as well as from higher distances.
Review Review all work practices regularly so as to ensure that working at height happens only where there is no alternative.