An Introduction to Visible Human Project Ku-Yaw Chang Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University
22004/03/03Medical Imaging System
32004/03/03Medical Imaging System Outline Background Initial Aim Demonstration Users’ Conferences
42004/03/03Medical Imaging System Background Having its roots in a 1986 long-range planning effort of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Foreseeing an increasing role for electronically represented images in clinical medicine and biomedical research Foreseeing an increasing role for electronically represented images in clinical medicine and biomedical research Considering building and disseminating medical image libraries Considering building and disseminating medical image libraries
52004/03/03Medical Imaging System Background The following recommendation was made early in 1989 NLM should undertake a first project building a digital image library of volumetric data representing a complete, normal adult male and female. NLM should undertake a first project building a digital image library of volumetric data representing a complete, normal adult male and female. This Visible Human Project will include This Visible Human Project will include digitized photographic images from cryosectioning digital images derived from computerized tomography and digital magnetic resonance images of cadavers.
62004/03/03Medical Imaging System Background Two-dimensional images are composed of picture elements or pixel. Gray level : Gray level : Pixel
72004/03/03Medical Imaging System Background Three-dimensional images are composed of volume elements or voxel. Voxel
82004/03/03Medical Imaging System Initial Aim Acquire transverse CT, MRI and cryo- section images of a representative male and female cadaver at an average of one millimeter intervals Visible Human Male Visible Human Male Visible Human Female Visible Human Female
92004/03/03Medical Imaging System Initial Aim The Visible Human Male data set MRI, CT and anatomical images. MRI, CT and anatomical images.MRI Axial images of the head and neck and longitudinal sections of the rest of the body were obtained at 4 mm intervals. Axial images of the head and neck and longitudinal sections of the rest of the body were obtained at 4 mm intervals. Resolution: 256 pixels by 256 pixels Resolution: 256 pixels by 256 pixels Grey tone: 12 bits (0-4095) Grey tone: 12 bits (0-4095)CT Axial scans of the entire body taken at 1 mm intervals Axial scans of the entire body taken at 1 mm intervals Resolution: 512 pixels by 512 pixels Resolution: 512 pixels by 512 pixels Grey tone: : 12 bits (0-4095) Grey tone: : 12 bits (0-4095)
102004/03/03Medical Imaging System Initial Aim The Visible Human Male data set Anatomical images Anatomical images Cross-sections are at 1 mm intervals to coincide with the CT axial images. to coincide with the CT axial images cross-sections for both CT and anatomy Complete male data set Size: 15 gigabytes Size: 15 gigabytes Publicly available in November, Publicly available in November, 1994.
112004/03/03Medical Imaging System Initial Aim The Visible Human Female data set Same characteristics as the The Visible Human Male with the following exception Same characteristics as the The Visible Human Male with the following exception Axial anatomical images were obtained at 0.33 mm intervals. (Male: 1mm) 5,189 anatomical images (Male: 1871 images) Complete female data set Size: 40 gigabytes Size: 40 gigabytes Publicly available in November, Publicly available in November, 1995.
122004/03/03Medical Imaging System Initial Aim The Visible Human Female data set Spacing in the "Z" direction was reduced to 0.33mm Spacing in the "Z" direction was reduced to 0.33mm To match the 0.33mm pixel sizing in the "X-Y" plane To work with cubic voxels in three-dimensional images.
132004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) CT Scan Prior to Freezing Prior to Freezing Head subset
142004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) CT Scan Prior to Freezing Prior to Freezing Thorax subset
152004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) CT Scan Prior to Freezing Prior to Freezing Abdomen subset
162004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) CT Scan After Freezing After Freezing Head subset
172004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) MRI Scan Thorax subset
182004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) MRI Scan Pelvis subset
192004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
202004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
212004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
222004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
232004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
242004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection
252004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration (Male) Color cryosection : from head to toe
262004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration Transverse (or axial) sections
272004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration Coronal sections
282004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration Sagittal sections
292004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration
302004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration
312004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration
322004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration
332004/03/03Medical Imaging System Demonstration
342004/03/03Medical Imaging System Users’ Conferences The Visible Human Project Conferences hpconf.htm hpconf.htm MAIN.HTM MAIN.HTM /MAIN.HTM 00/MAIN.HTM
352004/03/03Medical Imaging System Reference Websites Fact Sheet : The Visible Human Project _human.html _human.html _human.html _human.html Voxel-man Gallery nformatik/galerie/io.en.html nformatik/galerie/io.en.html nformatik/galerie/io.en.html nformatik/galerie/io.en.html