Laboratory 2: Introduction to AutoCAD and Microsoft Project Created by: Steven W. Cheung
Overview Objective Computer Software Sketching Rules Line Types Drawing Views Procedure Written Assignment Closing
Objective Learn basic technical design techniques Become familiar with engineering design tools such as AutoCAD & MS Project Use your new knowledge towards your lab and independent design project
Computer Software AutoCAD Microsoft Project Computer Aided Design tool Allows objects to be drawn in 2-D or 3-D Microsoft Project Tracks progress of different tasks of the project Enhances time management skills
Sketching Rules Done in pencil No use of rulers Very little detail Objects represented by blocks radiators, tables, etc. Double lines to represent walls Consider the type of line used Orthographic projection (for this project)
Line Types These are used to identify when creating technical drawings Construction Line Hidden Line Dimension Line Center Line
Drawing Views Orthographic Shows the exact shape of an object from one side Depth of the object is unknown Multiple 2-D drawings used to represent 3-D objects The three orthographic views we use are top, front, & most detailed side
Drawing Views Isometric All three orthographic views shown in one picture Creates a sense of depth Used to represent 3-D objects
Procedure AutoCAD Read the instructions on page 30 to create a AutoCAD drawing Use the reference in the Appendix to guide you
Procedure MS Project Read the instructions on page 33 to create a schedule for your Independent Project Use the reference sheet starting on page 37 to guide you
Written Assignment Print out and hand in the two exercises AutoCAD Room Drawing (Bart Simpson’s Room) MS Project Independent Design Schedule Submit a copy of the house design sketch Remember to use sketching rules Write a proposal explaining your house design (1-1/2 double spaced)
Closing Each person should have a turn to work with the software AutoCAD Manual and library of symbols are available if requested