MR. PAUL ARLTON President Lite Machines Company
SBIR / STTR’s What they are and What they can do for you Paul Arlton President / Senior Engineer
History of Lite Machines Lite Machines 1991 Lite Machines 1991 Vertically Integrated CAD/CAM/CNC LMH-100 Over 15,000 sold Over 3,000,000 parts
History of Lite Machines Lite Machines 1991 Lite Machines 1991 Vertically Integrated CAD/CAM/CNC LMH-100 Over 15,000 sold Over 3,000,000 parts Lite Machines 1999 Lite Machines 1999
History of Lite Machines Lite Machines 1999 Lite Machines 1999 Idea for military Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Applied for Broad Area Announcement (BAA) Small fish in BIG pond 1 of 15,000 applicants
History of Lite Machines Lite Machines 2004 Lite Machines 2004 Refocused on finding funding for the idea Looked toward SBIR/STTR for opportunities
Small Business Innovative Research Small Business Innovative Research Small Business Technology Transfer Small Business Technology Transfer Small tech businesses with < 500 employees Move ideas into the marketplace DOD will fund approx $1.079 billion in FY 2005 (out of the total $2 billion for all SBIR programs) Phase I 6-9 month contracts $70,000 - $100,000 Phase II 2 year contracts $500,000 - $750,000 But what are SBIR/STTR’s? Phase III Commercializing the idea Must find outside funding Project organizer will often help here
Small Business Innovative Research Small Business Innovative Research Small Business Technology Transfer Small Business Technology Transfer Small tech businesses with < 500 employees Move ideas into the marketplace DOD will fund approx $1.079 billion* in FY 2005 * out of the total $2 billion for all SBIR programs But what are SBIR/STTR’s?
Phase I 6-9 month contracts $70,000 - $100,000 Phase II 2 year contracts $500,000 - $750,000 Phase III Commercializing the idea Must find outside funding Project organizer will often help here Structure of SBIR/STTR’s
Good news / Bad news Pros Pros Money with few strings attached State may provide matching funds Allows small business to compete with big Accelerates development with true R&D dollars Develops University / Government relationships Cons Cons Possible Intellectual Property issues Slow payment Long term commitment Documentation / Paperwork
Where to Begin Number of different organizations for SBIRs Number of different organizations for SBIRs Predominate ones include: National Science Foundation (NSF) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Defense (DOD)
Where to Begin Search the WWW For DOD:
What can an SBIR do for you? Start with an idea Identify a need / market Inject capital needed to move project forward