NEW URBANISM New urbanism created in early 1970s with Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberg based on a critique of communities created since Euclid.
NEW URBANISM Standard zoning results in communities with no sense of place.
NEW URBANISM Not walkable like Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, or even Portsmouth
NEW URBANISM Based on separation, not interaction of uses.
NEW URBANISM Subdivisions and site plans isolate buildings and serve automobiles, not people.
NEW URBANISM New urbanism calls for new zoning principals – three-dimensional form-based codes.
NEW URBANISM The neighborhood has a center.
NEW URBANISM The neighborhood is walkable, and uses are mixed. Each street is three-dimensionally zoned as a transect with “build to” lines.
NEW URBANISM LITE Zero lot lines for commercial uses. Parking in rear, where possible. No snoots.
NEW URBANISM LITE So why not do it? Because it’s illegal under standard zoning.
NEW URBANISM Standard zoning requires separation of uses. Town road standards require wide streets, discouraging bikes and pedestrians. The general public hates sprawl, but fears density – also financing problems.
NEW URBANISM LITE Connecticut: 169 towns: Lab mice for new urbanist concepts.
NEW URBANISM LITE Architectural review regulations in zoning codes: Noank and Stonington
Adopted to fend off teardowns and McMansions NEW URBANISM LITE Adopted to fend off teardowns and McMansions
NEW URBANISM Limited to historic villages as overlay zones.
NEW URBANISM Disapproval of architectural plans by commission: A basis for denial of zoning permit.
NEW URBANISM Based on comparison of plan with surrounding properties for scale, front proportions, openings, building materials, textures, roof shapes, etc.
NEW URBANISM Limitations: Is it authorized under the standard zoning enabling act? Buildings must still conform to zoning dimensional requirements.
NEW URBANISM Village districts: Special districts authorized by statute for historic New England villages.
NEW URBANISM Must reflect distinctive character of area, as defined in Plan of Conservation and Development.
NEW URBANISM All exteriors assessed by special village commission staffed by architect or certified planner. Review criteria includes reinforcing existing buildings and streets, distinctive open spaces, vista protection, scale, proportion, massing, etc.
NEW URBANISM Limitation is expense, particularly for small towns.
NEW URBANISM Special development districts allow zoning overrides for qualified design. Encourage mix of uses. Allow greater density. Limited to certain areas of town.
NEW URBANISM Based on master plan, site study, traffic report, and overall plan of development. Prescribes uses and development.
NEW URBANISM Limitation: It is expensive for the developer.
NEW URBANISM Code-based zoning: Hamden, Connecticut
NEW URBANISM Focused on two major thoroughfares and supported by comprehensive study of streetscapes.
NEW URBANISM Includes transects and “build to” requirements
NEW URBANISM Mandates shared parking. Closely defines road design. Building massing and height mandated.
Limitations: Is it legally allowed? NEW URBANISM Limitations: Is it legally allowed?
NEW URBANISM With seniors wanting to leave their ranch houses, the millenials wanting density, and the need to limit sprawl in GHGs, look for these concepts to be the basis of the next generation of development.