Individual Equipment Required Pack Sleeping Bag Sleeping Pad Cook kit/Mess kit Ten essentials – First Aid Kit, Compass, etc Buy quality gear within budget Recommended source: Scout shop, Campmor, Tooth of Time Traders and REI Additional “nice to have” items – Stool/chair, lantern, water purifier, personal stove, etc
Back Pack Light weight (5lbs or less) Sleeping bag compartment 3-4 external pockets Water bottle pocket/holder(s) cu/in Adjustable fit (must size to fit) Adjustable External Frame (new Scouts) Example: External - Firefly – Outdoor Products $; Internal - REI Passage $149, ack-buying-guide/
Sleeping Bag degree bag Light weight (3-4 lbs) Small (dimensions around 7”-11” when stuffed) Recommend polyfill for new scouts, down for older scouts. Example: Slumberjack, Utimate $79.99 – Tooth of Time
Sleeping Pad 1”-2” thick Light weight Closed cell foam or self inflating (all scouts) Air mattress (older scouts) Example: Therm-a-rest Z-Lite $29 REI; Therm-a-rest Trail-Lite $69 REI
Cook Kit/Mess Kit Light Weight Non-stick 1-2 pieces w/lid (need a pot to boil water) Plastic bowl (collapsible better) Spork Plastic measuring cup (scout cup) Light weight Metal or aluminum cup
Ten Essentials First Aid Kit Knife Matches/Lighter Map and CompassSun Protection: Hat, Sunscreen, Sun glasses and chapstick Extra Clotes Rain suit Flashlight Water bottle Trail Food