University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Dr David Greaves HoD: Professor Andy Hopper
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 A very Warm Welcome to the Computer Laboratory. The faculty of Computer Science in the University of Cambridge. The William Gates Building, (Opened October 2001).
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 The Computer Laboratory Staff –40+7 = 47 academic staff, –31 support staff, and –69 affiliated research staff. Students –114 research students (PhD), –49 postgraduates (Masters ACS, Part III), –1x x50 Undergraduates (BA).
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG : Edsac 1
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Previous Heads of Department
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Current Head of Department Founder of Acorn and several other local companies. President of the IET. My PhD supervisor! Prof Andy Hopper. FRS.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Computer Lab Initiatives
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Research Area Map Security Language HCI Theory and Semantics Graphics Proof Media Mobility Networks UsersMaths Engineering Programs Hardware
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Current Major Research Areas Programming Languages, Compilers, Computer Architectures. Security - Smart Cards, Trusted Computing. Systems - OS, Processors, Middleware, Trust, Networks, H/W synthesis. Graphical and Tangible intefaces, HCI. AI, NLP and Information Retrieval. Theory & Semantics - Quantum, Computability. Automated Reasoning – HVG. Bioinformatics. Tele-Healthcare and Sports Science.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Dr. David Greaves. MIET. University Lecturer Chair of the CST Tripos Research Interests: –Hardware Compilers, –Simulation and Modelling, –Automated Reliable Component Composition.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 END OF PRESENTATION
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Interactive Formal Verification Professor Mike Gordon –Viper Microprocessor 1985 –Fast Ring ECL Chip in 1986 –ATM Switch Chip in HOL 90 in 1994 –Formal model of ARM 6 in 2002 –Embedding PSL/Sugar in HOL 2004 –Embedded Crypto Algorithms (ongoing) Prof Larry Paulson (Isabelle Prover) John Harrison (HOL Lite Prover)
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 END OF PRESENTATION slides beyond this one are most likely old and out of date!
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Welcome to the CL The UoC Department of Computer Science –Some history of our department –Admission –Undergraduate Taught Courses –Postgraduate Courses –Research Areas –Supporter’s Club –Women in Computer Science –Graduate Association
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 The Mathematical Laboratory Founded 1937, Sir MV Wilkes. EDSAC ran first stored program 1949 Thenceforth provided a computer service Titan, IBM machines, Phoenix Diploma started in 1953 Undergraduate Tripos in 1969 Moved to WGB in 2001 Rated 5* and ‘Excellent’
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 EDA Spinouts Qudos – E-beam rapid prototyping, Virata – Broadband Modems, Tenison – RTL to C++ modelling, Azuro – Clock tree synthesis, Embecosm – TLM Debugging. Our graduates provided technical lead at ARC, Intel, TransEDA, ARM, PA Semi,...
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG : Cambridge Distributed System
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG : Autostereo Display
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 William Gates Building A split with the Computer Service All research under one roof Two lecture theatres, one practical laboratory.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Undergraduate Courses 25% Computer Science (with 75% maths) 50% Computer Science (with 25% NST) Full time for years 2 and 3 leading to BA. Part II General - A one year part II Diploma - A masters-like conversion course
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Admission Undergraduates admitted by Colleges Admission requirements: –A-level Maths –One other science A level (pref Further Maths) –A third A-level or international equivalent Postgraduates (PhD) must find a supervisor who will has an interest in their research
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 What is Computer Science ? It is not how to use Microsoft Excel It is not how to design web sites It is not how to be an IT manager We don’t even train people in C++ programming. It is about theory of data representation It is about network protocol design It is about the history and future of operating systems It’s about fundamental differences between programming paradigms.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Example CST Subject Areas Continuous Maths Discrete Maths Software Engineering Programming Operating Systems Compilers Databases Information Theory and Coding Computability Semantics Hardware Processor Design Business Communications Spec and Verification VLSI
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG year Tripos Practical Work Ia: Java ticks Ia: ML ticks Ia: Hardware ticks Ib: ECAD and Architecture ticks Ib: Group Projects II: Project and Dissertation (25% marks).
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 ML programming demo. ML is the first language our students see It is functional (not imperative) One of the most-advanced languages ever becoming mainstream (almost mainstream). Aim to teach fundamentals, not arbitraryness. –`If something has been known for 10 years and looks as though it will remain true for the next 10 years, then it’s probably worth teaching’ - RMN.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 ML: Three Ways to Add Up (* Mathematician *) fun intsum1(a, b) = (b-a+1) *(a+b) div 2; (* Engineer *) fun intsum3(a, b) = if (a=b) then a else let val midpoint = (a+b) div 2 in intsum3(a, midpoint) + intsum3(midpoint+1, b) end ; (* Computer Scientist *) fun intsum2(a, b) = if (a = b) then a else a + intsum2(a+1, b);
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Postgraduate Courses PhD in theoretical computer science –Can be in any area researched in the department. 1986: M Phil in Speech and Language Processing (with dept of Engineering) Fourth Year in School of Technology ? –Currently being planned.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Example: Pervasive Computing Trusted computing infrastructure Mobile applications Security of smart cards Correctness of Network Protocols XML Ontology for personal information Rules for control of the home Alternative HCI devices for real-time control and generating `programs’.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Supporter’s Club 10 to 50 Local Industry Fund Contributors Originally for local companies Library and consultancy access Frequently funds PhD Students Specialist Lecture Series Recruitment Fair Once a Year Well-attended annual dinner!
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Women in Computer Science Sometimes seen as a male profession ? WICS mission to redress balance. Currently 4 or so female out of 30 lecturers. Only 5 to 10 percent of undergraduates 15 percent of postgraduates ? WICS regular meetings, open agenda Women frequently come top in Tripos. 2002: 26.9% of the 52 female applicants to Cambridge Computer Science were accepted compared to 21.6% of the 416 male.
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Graduate Association Recently established, members Annual update and dinner Advice and consultancy Should become self- funding Called ‘The Cambridge Ring’
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Local Industry 28,000 Hi-tech employees in Cambridge 14,000 of them in computing/electronics New companies are always being founded by our alumni
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory DJG 2013 Thank-you and any questions ? –Web