Modernisation of Official Statistics – ABS experience Frank Yu Australian Bureau of Statistics.


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Presentation transcript:

Modernisation of Official Statistics – ABS experience Frank Yu Australian Bureau of Statistics

Content Modernisation: – Why, what and how Challenges International Collaboration

The Challenges Increasing cost & difficulty of acquiring data New competitors & changing expectations Rapid changes in the environment Competition for skilled resources Diminishing budgets Riding the big data wave


Today Specify Needs DesignBuildCollectProcessAnalyseDisseminateArchiveEvaluate Generally one off solutions 90% data survey based Tools are unique and very labour intensive Limited by tools and time Limited by available time Focus on static publications Data stores held by individuals Limited activity in this area

Today compared to Tomorrow DesignBuildCollectProcessAnalyseDisseminateArchiveEvaluate Generally one off solutions Substantial increase in use of admin data, less direct collect 90% data survey based Tools are unique and very labour intensive Focus on e- collect Major focus of staff expertise Limited by tools and time Limited by available time Increased client engagement Focus on static publications More focus on analysis, value add and data integration Greater interactive data Data stores held by individuals Limited activity in this area Data stored centrally Corporate Solutions that fit most needs Specify Needs Reuse and Assemble

3 Key Goals The role of ABS 2017 is to build the statistical infrastructure and capability and reengineer the processes needed to deliver on 3 key goals: 1.Reduce the cost and time of doing business 2.Grow the business through new statistical products and services 3.Deliver the first digital Census (2016) on time, budget, and quality while delivering on Business As Usual. 7

If we achieve these goals, this will mean… 1.A more efficient and effective ABS 2.Better decision making support for Governments and the Community 3.Improved user and provider experience 4.A sustainable and growing organisation 8

Change in what we do 9

What is ABS 2017 ABS 2017 is a major transformational program for the ABS which consists of: – the engineering of ABS statistical information management infrastructure; and – the reengineering of all ABS statistical driven data collections, productions and dissemination processes and supporting systems.

Current state Trusted, progressive statistical leader – Under attack! Future state Trusted, progressive statistical leader – Secure! ABS2017 Program (ABS funded) ABS2017 CSIP (Govt funded) Building a bridge to our future: 6 Year Journey 11In-Confidence

Context: Planning Specify Corporate Capabilities Build Corporate Capabilities Assemble Corporate Capabilities Build Foundational Infrastructure First release of MRR and SWM due Dec Plans and strategies for subsequent versions, and EDW V1 exist. Priority capabilities to be redeveloped have been identified. Broad strategy for identifying remaining capabilities are underway. Plans for specification and build phases will be developed over the next 6 months and will be brought to the board. Enterprise Architecture. EA has been developed. Work is continuing the next level of detail.

What will we deliver? New capability, via new or enhanced: Enterprise architecture Re-engineered business processes (eg acquire and disseminate) and applications to support them Information Management (IM) standards and governance Core IM infrastructure, including capability for handling administrative/transaction datasets 13 =+++++ Capability people methods processes systems standards / other frameworks resources

EnablersBusiness ChangeBenefitsStrategic Goals for ABS 2017 Metadata driven processes Re-use metadata and data Managed & consistent business processes Re-use processes Re-engineered, Improved Business Processes Enterprise Architecture Processes - SWM Metadata Registry and Repository (MRR) EDW Information Governance, Architecture & Management Survive and Thrive Process Assembly and Automation Existing/new applications integrate with MRR/EDW Managed & consistent metadata and data Processes –SOA (Better) Metadata Authoring tools integrated with MRR Migrate corporate/foundation metadata to MRR Reduce time and cost of business operations Grow business via new statistical products/ services Existing/new applications integrate with SWM/SOA Deliver large scale Digital Census

CPI LFS NA AHS The Relationship between Foundational Infrastructure, Process Reengineering & Enterprise wide Solutions. … Specific Statistical Business lines to be Reengineered Retail Enterprise Editing Services Enterprise Imputation Services UniqueServices Statistical Workflow Management Identity & Access Management Foundational Infrastructure EDW MRR Enterprise wide Frameworks (egSNA) Specify Needs Design Assemble CollectCompileValidate Disseminate ArchiveEvaluate Corporate Capabilities Enterprise Acquisition of data Services (eg Acquire) Enterprise Dissemination Services (eg REEM,.Stat) Existing but wrappedServices 15In-Confidence

Enterprise Architecture =+++++ Capability people methods processes systems standards / other frameworks resources

Reengineering Specify Corporate Capabilities Analyse current business processes Determine future information gathering design Determine desired future business process Agree on common business processes Agree on common/unique Corporate Capabilities Describe information flows (metadata and data) Define required capabilities to be created Specifications for Corporate Capabilities =+++++ Capability people methods processes systems standards / other frameworks resources Are there alternative approaches: Could administrative data be used? Opportunities with mobile devices? For example developing Corporate Capability to support collection of data through diaries. Document hot spots, risk areas and value add. Includes governance, sign-off and quality gates Document functionality and information flows for development team. Draw on opportunities presented by new foundation infrastructure. Defines data and metadata inputs and outputs of the business process. Top down program assessment Identify any broad program initiatives to be considered.

Challenges Getting Buying in Maintaining Business As Usual during transformation Developing while changes happening End to end Reengineering vs bit by bit continuous improvement Cultural change: corporate interests > local interests Capability Building and change management Program coordination and governance

International Collaboration: Simplified view of GSIM information objects

International Collaboration – transforming the vision to reality Harness existing collaborations: UNSD, ESCAP, HLG, Statistical Network, etc. Use common standards and framework: GSBPM, GSIM, CSPA Adopt common architecture vision - aim for “plug and play”, make solutions re-usable Move form conceptual to practical collaboration

Strategic Advisory Board Asia Pacific (SAB-AP) Under the auspices of UN ESCAP Committee on Statistics

Asia and Pacific NSO challenges demand for data; higher quality, cheaper and more timely; expectations of providers; reductions in our budget; escalating collection costs; competition for staff; increased complexity of work programs; and expense of aging infrastructure.

Specify Needs DesignBuildAnalyseDisseminateArchiveEvaluateProcessCollect Disseminate Sharing Infrastructure across NSOs By sharing infrastructure development, we can: Reduce costs of development Adopt new methods quickly Increase comparability of statistics

UN ECE HLG UN SD Stats Network Modernisation Framework Geospatial Statistics Rapid development of Common shared solutions How can ESCAP countries influence and contribute to the modernisation Agenda? International Modernisation

SAB-AP Strategic Advisory Board–Asia Pacific to be established Sub-committee of ESCAP Committee on Statistics Members from across the Asia Pacific Region 1 st meeting in Japan in November

Objectives of the SAB-AP Promote common standards, models, tools and methods Drive new developments in the production and delivery of products and services; Coordinate and share information about common infrastructure and developments Determine priorities for strategic developments in the modernisation of official statistics

Possible SAB-AP Priorities Adoption of the Generalised Statistical Information Model (GSIM) Expansion of the Generalised Statistical Business Processing Model (GSBPM) Common Statistical Production Architecture Global statistical-geospatial framework Practical sharing in areas such as data collection, processing and dissemination.
