Introducing Sage CRM 7.2 Mark Green Business Consultant Pinnacle Sage CRM 7.2 Feature Overview Mobile CRM –Sage CRM Sales Lite for the iPhone –Sage CRM Sales Tracker for Windows 8 –Full support for the iPad OS –Adds to our existing mobile features including Sage CRM for iPhone, iPad & Android devices Social CRM –Sage CRM for Facebook –Adds to our existing social CRM features including Sage CRM for Twitter and LinkedIn Business Wide Collaboration –Sage CRM Collaboration powered by Yammer –Business collaboration for individual users and teams of users allowing them to collaborate with Yammer Groups, across records using Yammer Topics Smarter Business Reporting –Enhanced reporting functionality including cloning and alphabetising of reports –Improved user-based reporting security Mobile CRM Featuring 2 new mobile apps driving sales team productivity Sage CRM 7.2 Mobile Features –iPhone App – Sage CRM Sales Lite –Windows 8 App – Sage CRM Sales Tracker –Full support for the iPad OS –Ability to switch between optimised UI and full screen browsing Sage CRM Mobile CRM Made Simple Our new mobile apps at a glance... Sage CRM Sales Lite For sales users on the road who need up-to-date information on their phone, even when out of coverage. Sage CRM Sales Lite gives users mobile access to their Sage CRM data, tasks and appointments, and integrates the iPhone allowing users to track and log outbound calls, and SMS activities Sage CRM Sales Tracker Sage CRM Sales Tracker for Windows 8 gives users access to their Sage CRM company, person & opportunity records from their Windows 8 Tablet device. Users can even build a watch list of opportunities key to their pipeline. Sage CRM Sales Tracker can also be accessed via a Windows 8 PC. New Sage CRM iPhone App Sage CRM Sales Lite for iPhone –Access vital customer information even when out of coverage. –Read-only offline access to People and Opportunities –Read-only access to Tasks and Appointments –Native iPhone Integration: Ability to track and log outbound calls, and SMS activities –Read-only access to History / Favourites (Opportunities and Communications) –Integration with native iPhone maps to track sales appointments –Ability to add Notes and Photos to Contacts and Opportunities Features Include: New Windows 8 App Sage CRM Sales Tracker for Windows8 –Download Company, Person and Opportunity records to their Windows Tablet device –View their Opportunities displayed in a pie chart broken down by stage –View a list of the most recently added Opportunities, Companies and People that have access to. –Build a Watch list - a list of opportunities, company and person records that are key to their pipeline. –Drill down to record details to get a full picture of the opportunity they are working with Features Include: Sage CRM 7.2 Mobile Features –Key customer information at your fingertips, with access to real-time information when on the road enabling more effective selling –Timely input of accurate customer data when on the road (no need to update when back in the office) –Improved responsiveness to customer queries from sales teams –Enable your sales teams to manage routine tasks and better serve their customers by providing them with an enhanced sales experience where they can deliver real time information, answers and results. –Native integration with the iPhone delivering a rich, familiar interface –Ability to switch between optimised iPad UI and full screen browsing, offering increased choice for better mobile adoption Benefits Snapshot Social CRM Sage CRM for Facebook complimenting the existing LinkedIn & Twitter Features Compliments Our Existing Social CRM Solutions Sage CRM for LinkedIn LinkedIn integration within Sage CRM enables you to efficiently build a professional network of possible customers and partners, as well as providing sales teams with valuable insight into prospective customers. Sage CRM for Twitter The Sage CRM Twitter integration enables you to efficiently establish, track, and respond to Twitter communication traffic in real time, and can be used for a variety of critical marketing and customer relationship requirements Sage CRM For Facebook –Light Facebook Integration –View Company or Person Facebook details on the Person and Company screens –Facebook Search on the Dashboard Features Include: Sage CRM 7.2 Sage CRM for Facebook –Brings customers’ Facebook profiles inside the customer CRM account giving you the information you need without leaving Sage CRM –Instant information about customers and prospects - associate Facebook profiles with prospect accounts for more detailed information –Better understand your customer base & recognise strong customers who can carry and share your messaging to their extended networks –Obtain more relevant information for greater assessment of your opportunities –Use this new found information to better understand the prospect you are pitching to, therefore helping you better customise the sales pitch to the potential customer –Increased speed in accessing the right information –Increased visibility on customer and prospect account information Benefits Snapshot Company wide collaboration Powered by the all new Sage CRM for Yammer feature Business Collaboration Powered by Yammer –Business Collaboration for individual users and teams of users –Collaborate with Yammer Groups –Yammer feed in My CRM work area –Collaborate across records using Yammer Topics –Yammer feed will be available for Companies in Sage CRM Features Include: Smarter Reporting Available through our new reporting features Sage CRM 7.2 Smarter Reporting –Clone Reports –Manage export on Reports for greater security –All charts generated in HTML5 – Flash not required –New chart types –Full access to Fusion charts for further reporting customisations Features Include: Sage CRM 7.2 Smarter Reporting –Faster, secure, customised reports, quickly populated with the latest CRM information –Rich new graphic charts and report cloning capabilities enable users to quickly create visual reports with interactive graphs –Save time and increase efficiencies with new clone reports functionality –At-a-glance business insight and informed decision-making. Benefits Snapshot Many thanks for your time. Get Social with Sage CRM & stay up to date A Consultant’s View of a CRM Project Matthew Shaw CRM Consultant Pinnacle What makes a better project –To be clear what the goals are. What are the end results you want to see / do with CRM? Not to do something ‘just because’ you have always done it. –To keep it simple – to use as much as possible out of the box to begin with, customise it more later on. –To have the right people involved from the start. But to have one person with the final decision. –To test it, test it more and to make sure – test it again. Does it do what you want? Was anything forgotten? What the customer can do What makes a better project –To be able to take what the customer want and translate that into what the system can do –To be confident to say ‘no’ – to be able to manage the customers expectations of what is possible and offer alternatives –To keep the customer engaged – to check back with the customer at key stages –To check and check again it is a system the customer wants and not just a solution we have provided. What is required of the consultant Many thanks for your time. Get Social with Sage CRM & stay up to date