Colleen Monahan Dobbs Heritage High School
Cancer Awareness Day Video (Heritage SCA): y3g Web-based video animation tool Choose music/theme… input pictures and short phrases… program animates for you! Various pricing plans… Teacher Decision… Have students create their own “lite” accounts? Sign-up students under your education account?
Teacher Tool: Videos for School Announcements Videos for Classroom Teaser to a book Introduction to a new unit Student Tool: Presentation Tool Fulfill Multimedia Strand of SOL standards SAMPLE = Amendment Research – Multimedia Presentation
Click to change song Click to add text to pic slide Click & drag to move Use to add more slides
Click to exit
Check video length Save to edit later Tools for advanced version Click here if you’re ready to preview and/or publish
“Produce” if you like it; “Continue editing” if you don’t! Add a title
Students can video to teacher Educator account allows you to save as mp4
Sample Video (Instructor/Dobbs): LGBqQ Sample Video #1 (Student – Amendment Project): Kq09hw Sample Video #2 (Student – Amendment Project): kiDBxuuA
Introduce Animoto to students Remind students to save pictures to a folder Provide students a brainstorming template Encourage students to be thoughtful about the images/words they choose Specify a minimum and maximum number of slides Be sure to tell students how they will “share” video Require that students use music already in Animoto program or use “lyric-free” music Student may create video in connection with a speech, essay, etc as part of a larger assignment.