Wide Range Achievement Test WRAT4 Authors: Gary S. Wilkinson, PhD Gary J. Robertson, PhD.


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Presentation transcript:

Wide Range Achievement Test WRAT4 Authors: Gary S. Wilkinson, PhD Gary J. Robertson, PhD

Word Reading Subtest Materials: Test Form Administration instructions Spaces to record and summarize scores Clock or watch with a second hand Word Reading List Used by the participant Contains the letters and words for the Word Reading subtest

Word Reading Subtest Two sections:  Part 1: Letter Reading, which consists of 15 letters  Part 2: Word Reading, which consists of 55 words

Word Reading Subtest Administration Procedures: Ages 7 and Younger: Administer Part 1: Letter Reading first, then Part 2: Word Reading Discontinue testing if a Participant has responded incorrectly to 10 consecutive items (10 RULE) Ages 8 and Older: Administer Part 2: Word Reading first Discontinue the Word Reading section if the Participant has answered 10 consecutive items incorrectly (10 RULE) Reverse to Letter Reading only if Participant did not answer at least 5 items correctly (5 RULE)

Word Reading Subtest Scoring: Do not penalize for articulation errors Correct pronunciations are given below the respective words One point is given for each letter and/or word read correctly If the Participant changes his or her response, score the last attempt Record the number of items answered correctly on the Test Form Give the full credit of 15 points for Letter Reading if not administered Sum of the Letter Reading and Word Reading raw scores in the space provided for the Word Reading Total Raw Score Note that the number of words read correctly on the Part 2: Word Reading is used to determine the starting item for the Sentence Comprehension subtest

Sentence Completion Subtest Materials: Sentence Comprehension Test Form Administration instructions Test items Spaces for recording responses Examples of correct and incorrect responses Sentence Comprehension Sample Card Sample items to be administered prior to administering the Sentence Comprehension subtest Sentence Comprehension Card Used by the participant 50 Sentence Comprehension items

Sentence Comprehension Subtest Cloze procedure Participant silently reads the sentence from the Sentence Comprehension Card and then gives a oral response to fill in the missing word May use the place marker as an aid Prior to actual subtest items, the Participant takes two or three sample items (Sentence Comprehension Sample Card) Determining Starting Point for both Sample and Test items by using the Part 2: Word Reading raw score (conversion table on front test form)

Sentence Comprehension Subtest Administer only if obtained a score of 5 or more on the Part 2: Word Reading (5 RULE) If necessary, reverse order until 5 consecutive items are answered correctly (5 RULE) Continue until Participant responds incorrectly to 7 consecutive items (7 RULE) Rules for Prompting and Questioning Responses are listed in manual –trying to get the Participant to use a one word response Responses requiring further query are indicated by a [Q] on the test form If younger than 6 years of age and in Grade K, do not administer the Sentence Comprehension subtest

Sentence Comprehension Subtest Scoring: Correct answers listed on test form and Appendix A of the manual If correct, record a “1” - if incorrect, record a “0” If the intended meaning of the response is clear and appropriate for completing the meaning of the sentence, then grammatical errors are not penalized Not a test of language mechanics or oral language proficiency Raw Score is the number of items scored as correct plus item above the starting point

Spelling Subtest Two sections:  Part 1: Letter Writing - name writing and 13 letters  Part 2: Spelling - 42 words – may be administered in small groups for Participants aged 8 or Older, but must be administered individually to Participants 7 years and younger

Spelling Subtest Materials: Test Form Administration instructions Spaces to record and summarize scores Response Form Used by the participant Spelling List Card (Opposite side of Word Reading List) Used by the participant Contains the letters and words for the Spelling subtest Pencil with eraser Clock or watch with second hand

Spelling Subtest Pronounce the word, then read it in the sentence provided, then pronounce the word again Study the pronunciation guide provided before administration Check that the Participant is writing in the correctly numbered space on the Response Form After administration ask the Participant to clarify any word(s) that cannot be read Ages 7 and Younger - Administer Part 1: Letter Writing first, then Part 2: Spelling Ages 8 and Older - Administer Part 2: Spelling first. Discontinue after 10 consecutive incorrect responses (10 RULE) If the Participant has not spelled at least 5 words correctly on the Spelling section, then administer Part 1: Letter Writing (5 RULE)

Spelling Subtest Specific guidelines for scoring Spelling responses are listed in the manual – including rules for two point items on Letter Writing Letter Writing - count the number of points earned and record in the space provided for the Letter Writing Raw Score Give the full credit of 15 points if 8 years or older Spelling - count the number of points earned and record in the space provided for the Spelling Raw Score Add scores and record the sum in the space provided for the Spelling Total Raw Score

Math Computation Subtest Two sections: (a) Part 1: Oral Math, which consists of 15 items (b) Part 2: Math Computation, which consists of 40 items - may be administered either individually or in small groups for Participants 8 and older, but it must be administered individually to Participants aged 7 years and younger.

Math Computation Subtest Materials: Test Form Administration instructions Spaces to record and summarize scores Response Form Used by the participant Pencil with eraser Clock or watch with second hand

Math Computation Subtest Hand calculators or other mechanical computing aids may not be used Part 2: Math Computation has a time limit of 15 minutes Ages 7 and Younger - Administer Part 1: Oral Math first, followed by Part 2: Math Computation Ages 8 and Older - Administer Part 2: Math Computation first If the Participant does not have at least 5 responses correct, then administer Part 1: Oral Math (5 RULE)

Math Computation Subtest Scoring keys are provided in Appendix B of the manual 1 point is given for each correct answer Record the number of items answered correctly for the Oral Math section in the space provided for the Oral Math Raw Score Give full credit of 15 points if aged 8 and older and did not take the Oral Math section Record the number of items answered correctly for the Math Computation section and record in the space provided for the Math Computation Raw Score Add and record sum in the space provided for the Math Computation Total Raw Score

Completion of Record Form Subtest Scores Normative conversion tables are provided in Appendixes C (age-based) and D (grade-based) of manual Contains tables for converting subtest raw scores to standard scores and confidence intervals In Appendix C, the subtest score-conversion tables for each form are provided for each of the 43 age groups In Appendix D, the subtest standard score-conversion tables for each of the three forms are provided for Fall and Spring, for each of Grade K-12 Percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents, stanines, and grade equivalents are provided in Appendix E