Aisling Bremner Head of Marketing and Domestic Recruitment OPEN DAYS 11 – 13 SEPTEMBER 2014
In March you told us what we needed to do differently… WE LISTENED …Today we can update you on how we are changing to address your needs
ENGAGING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE We will extend the highly popular Junior Prospectus We will engage as actively as possible with pupils from Year 10 onwards JUNIOR PROSPECTUS The Open Days model will be evolved to consider including younger students to influence A-Level decisions and career pathways earlier Maximise the information and impact at UCAS Events to influence and support decision making earlier Will consider developing a Queen’s Event specifically for younger age group OPEN DAYS AND EVENTS Investing in Live Chat on our website and more student focused social communities will open up Queen’s in an informal way to engage a younger audience DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS We want to engage with young people much earlier so that they make the choices which will ensure they can follow a pathway which fulfills their true potential and passions
EXPERIENCE QUEEN’S BEFORE THE FINAL DECISION Queen’s run a number of Taster events already and will develop in the coming years a series of additional taster lectures and programmes across all subjects to help bring the academic experience to life for prospect students TASTER DAYS Open Day is key but model will be developed from 2015 onwards to make it as effective for as many schools and young people as possible Queen’s Regional Events are planned for all Faculty Open Day Events Virtual Open Days and campus tours will be developed OPEN DAYS & QUEEN’S EVENTS Headstart Engineering and Computers residential summer school planned for Summer 2015 for Year 13 If successful the Pilot will be rolled out by Queen’s to other subject areas SUMMER SCHOOLS We want to ensure that every young person gets the opportunity to experience Queen’s campus, facilities, teaching style, students and academics before they make such an important and life changing decision
EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Queen’s website is being completely redeveloped to support the information needs of prospect students more effectively Live Chat – to students or academics Development of Prospect student App – what subjects, what degree, what careers? Digital Technology Virtual Campus Tour Virtual Lectures Virtual Open Days Virtual Queen’s Develop social community for prospect students to engage together Developing a less formal and more accessible way to communicate with Queen’s Blogs from current students and academics Social Communication While technology will never replace face to face communication from Queen’s, it will make Queen’s staff and students more accessible all year round to help you and your students
COMMUNICATION Considering the reintroduction of Monthly Newsletter from Queen’s Information packs and briefing for new teachers A range of employers are exhibiting at Open Day today and will be present at all Queen’s Open Days going forward How can we keep up to date with the latest news and advice from Queen’s? One point of contact in Queen’s Buddy System for students from specific subjects Alumni and Students going back to schools We and our students want to speak to someone directly Investment in systems which ensure that we personalise communications and supply the most useful information to all Digital and Face to Face communications will be more tailored to audiences – Parents, Teachers and students of different ages. Queen’s need to communicate in a more personalised way Nothing replaces face to face communication and speaking to real people on the other end of the phone, but we will adapt to respond more quickly and effectively to your needs
CAREERS & EMPLOYMENT A-Z Careers Directory What Career app in development A range of employers are exhibiting at Open Day today and will be present at all Queen’s Open Days going forward Young people do not understand all of the careers that exist in today’s continually evolving job landscape Employer Led Degrees – PWC and CITI Introducing International Business with Mandarin Interdisciplinarity Working in partnership with Industry – Employers Forum Are Queen’s evolving their course offerings to meet the needs of employers on a Global Stage? Degree Plus Continued focus on placements, real life experience and case studies and preparing young people for employment is a commitment we make to our students Queen’s provides young people with Global placement, Career and further study opportunities Developing more rounded Graduates 94% of Queen’s Graduates are in employment or Further Study 6months after Graduation
CRUCIAL ROLE OF PARENT’S Development of A-Z Careers Directory – digital and hard copy Meet the employers via Queen’s Parents need help understanding careers so that they can support their children and feel confident in their choices Introduction of Family Open Days Parents Events at Schools Regional Events AHSS – Belfast, Newry, Derry Development of Area Learning Networks and parents role in this Parents want a voice in this important financial and life changing decision for their child Development of Parents Guide Publication Plan to add Parents section on website Parents talks have been introduced at all open day events Clear contact us route for Parents Parent specific communications An investment in Higher Education is a shared family decision between parents and their children