Best Practices - Mock Interview Sessions ASCE Pittsburgh Section Spring and Fall, ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Kemal Niksic, P.E. Pittsburgh Section-Vice President
Sessions held for local University students ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Pittsburgh Section Student Chapters Carnegie Mellon University Geneva College University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Point Park University
Process ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Workshops held on-campus at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University “Do’s and Do not’s of interviewing” was first presented in a minute discussion covering Attire Etiquette Professionalism All Pittsburgh Section students invited to attend.
Process ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Following the presentation, students were paired with mock interviewers. Mock Interviewers made up of both experienced younger and section members. More-experienced younger members and those with hiring experience were encouraged to attend. Students participated in multiple mock interviews based on the number of volunteers. When Students >> Volunteers, Graduating seniors were given preference.
Learning experience for interviewers too! ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Provided questions not to ask! What you can't ask: What religion do you practice? What to ask instead: What days are you available to work? What you can't ask: How much longer do you plan to work before you retire? What to ask instead: What are your long-term career goals? What you can't ask: What do you think of interoffice dating? What to ask instead: Have you ever been disciplined for your behavior at work?
Goals ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Each student was to have the opportunity to interview with a minimum of 2 different “employers”. Both interviewers and students were able to network with potential future colleagues. The event closed with an opportunity for the interviewers to provide general comments back to the students.
Scheduling ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Opening speakers – 2 months before the event. Venue – 2 months before the event. Coordinated through hosting student chapter. Solicitations for volunteers – 1 month before the event. Requested through section distribution lists. Students – 3 weeks before the event. Contacted through their practioner advisors.
Scheduling ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Students and Interviewers paired – 1 week prior to the event. Student resumes collected – 1 week prior to the event. Although unintended - new faces appeared in the crowd of interviewers, who anticipating that the event would also provide an opportunity to network with prospective new hires.
Organization ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Organized by an event chair and members of the following committee and groups: YMF Outreach Committee YMF Technical Committee Practioner advisors Students chapters
What worked well ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Students provided great feedback. Appreciate the “mock” interview setting Developed confidence in ability to interview Received feedback on improving abilities during actual interviews. On average, 15 section and younger members volunteered. Volunteers to speak and interview were exceptional.
What didn’t work well ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Pairing students and interviewers difficult at times when trying to consider specific disciplines. Last minute cancellations or no-shows required overhaul of the proposed schedule.
Important Administrative Information: ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Important to have one event chair (point of contact) that can coordinate both students and volunteers. Coordination can be challenging. Event chair should not volunteer as an interviewer in order to help moderate event.
Important follow-up ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Provide a survey to students on how what they felt was beneficial from the event. Discussions were held with interviewers on ways to more effectively use the time allotted and set maximum time allowances for each interview. Both students and interviewers felt that the time went by fast!
Outcome ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Students indicated event was highly successful. Prepared for future interviews Built self-confidence Both students looking for entry-level and internship positions found benefits from attending. The event provided a networking opportunity for section members, younger members, and students. 3 rd Interviewing Workshop to be held September 24, 2013.
Questions? ASCE PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS FORUM SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2013 Questions? Contact information: Kemal Niksic, P.E., Associate Hatch Mott MacDonald W Carson St. Pittsburgh PA T