Braddock Youth Led Health and Nutrition Program – Braddock Youth Project Anne Ritter -- GSPH, Epidemiology Andrea Arrington MPH, Program Coordinator Peter Asante -- UPSoM, MS-2 Michael Yonas DrPH, MPH Assistant Professor Dept. of Family Medicine UPSoM
Braddock Youth Project History Began in July 2006 in Braddock, PA Administered by KEYS Service Corps, an AmeriCorps® program Recruits economically disadvantaged youth from the Woodland Hills School District Mission Harness the energy and creativity of youth to promote positive, culturally relevant change in their community Create an environment where youth feel safe, capable, and empowered to take charge, eventually running the program themselves
Braddock Youth Project Braddock total population 2, 912 Braddock total population 2, youth within core program, ages 14 – 18 years old 68 youth within core program, ages 14 – 18 years old All youth at or below 235% of Federal Poverty Line (FPL) All youth at or below 235% of Federal Poverty Line (FPL) Summer 2009, all youth at or below 100% of FPL Summer 2009, all youth at or below 100% of FPL Summer 2010
Braddock Youth-Led Health and Nutrition Program Background Met with leaders from Allegheny County Department of Human Services and KEYS Service Corps Wanted to develop a nutrition program geared towards younger children who participated in Pittsburgh Summer Lunch Programs
Healthy Practices Class Core component Core component Taught by two youth interns Taught by two youth interns Includes health focused curriculum, dance instruction, cooking classes, and physical activity Includes health focused curriculum, dance instruction, cooking classes, and physical activity Bridging the Gaps interns helped to develop and instruct lessons Bridging the Gaps interns helped to develop and instruct lessons
Healthy Practices: Oral Health Oral health presentations were given by the BTG oral health consultants Oral health presentations were given by the BTG oral health consultants Additional lessons were taught by the Healthy Practices instructors Additional lessons were taught by the Healthy Practices instructors Oral healthy Jeopardy was played as an activity Oral healthy Jeopardy was played as an activity Supplies such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, and floss were given to the youth Supplies such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, and floss were given to the youth Youth presenting oral health at Braddock Community Day Youth presenting oral health at Braddock Community Day
Healthy Practices: Fitwits TM Fitwits nutrition curriculum, designed by Carnegie Mellon University School of Design and UPMC Saint Margaret Family Health Centers Fitwits nutrition curriculum, designed by Carnegie Mellon University School of Design and UPMC Saint Margaret Family Health Centers Focuses on nutrition, portion size, and physical activity Focuses on nutrition, portion size, and physical activity Incorporates hands on activities and games Incorporates hands on activities and games
Goals Develop a health based curriculum appropriate for children ages 5-12 Identify and train Braddock Youth Project participants interested in teaching the developed curriculum to younger children Compile all necessary materials and develop relationships with involved parties in order for program to continue running in the future Identify a location in Braddock for program youth to teach younger children Braddock Youth-Led Health and Nutrition Program
Project Curriculum Health Eating I: Health Eating I: Fitwits Fitwits Healthy Eating II: Healthy Eating II: Lifestyle Balance Lifestyle Balance Healthy Eating III: Healthy Eating III: Fast Food Pyramid Fast Food Pyramid Exercise Exercise Obesity Obesity Asthma Asthma Each lesson includes an activity, lesson with discussion, and game Each lesson includes an activity, lesson with discussion, and game T-shirt discussed with Screen Printing as incentive for children to participate at sites T-shirt discussed with Screen Printing as incentive for children to participate at sites
Braddock Youth-Led Health and Nutrition Program After teaching Fitwits curriculum to core youth members, volunteers came forward to teach the same program to younger children in Braddock After teaching Fitwits curriculum to core youth members, volunteers came forward to teach the same program to younger children in Braddock The Fitwits program served as a pilot to determine if the adolescent to child model is effective in teaching a health curriculum The Fitwits program served as a pilot to determine if the adolescent to child model is effective in teaching a health curriculum
11 youth volunteered to participate in the Youth Led Health an Nutrition teaching program 11 youth volunteered to participate in the Youth Led Health an Nutrition teaching program 8 children from the Good Shepherd summer camp were present during the first Fitwits lesson, taught by the Braddock Youth Project 8 children from the Good Shepherd summer camp were present during the first Fitwits lesson, taught by the Braddock Youth Project All curriculum components and associated materials were successfully completed and arranged in order for the program to continue All curriculum components and associated materials were successfully completed and arranged in order for the program to continue Post-lesson surveys were created for youth instructor evaluation Post-lesson surveys were created for youth instructor evaluation Braddock Youth-Led Health and Nutrition Program
Healthy People 2010 and the Braddock Youth Project Leading Health Indicators 1.Overweight and Obesity 2.Physical Activity 3.Environmental Quality (as it pertains to asthma) Focus Areas 1.Nutrition and Overweight 2.Physical Activity and Fitness 3.Diabetes 4.Heart Disease and Stroke 5.Respiratory Diseases
Braddock Youth Project: Personal Reflections Recognized the positive effects of working with underserved youth and the benefits from helping participants learn and grow as active community members Expanded interests in identifying health challenges, developing practical solutions, and sharing info to develop the best possible solution
Future Recommendations Increase intern preparation of lesson plans to ensure a more structured class/work environment Increase intern preparation of lesson plans to ensure a more structured class/work environment Better delineation of job description in order for timely completion of tasks by appropriate staff members Better delineation of job description in order for timely completion of tasks by appropriate staff members Increase awareness of budget constraints among staff Increase awareness of budget constraints among staff Staff guidance counselor for career planning and mental health of program youth Staff guidance counselor for career planning and mental health of program youth
Peter Asante UPSoM MS2 Andrea Arrington MPH and the Braddock Youth Project Michael Yonas DrPH, MPH Professor Kristin Hughes – Carnegie Mellon University Ann McGaffey, MD – Bloomfield/Garfield Family Health Center Shean Ajula, MD – Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Lori Holt, CRNP – Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, UPMC Asthma Center Tracey Dill – Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, UPMC Asthma Center Goutham Rao, MD – CHP, B/G FHC Barbara Curlee and HB4Life Staff – CHP Weight Management Center KEYS and Americorp Staff Department of Human Services Heritage Foundation and the Good Shepherd School SPECIAL THANKS TO: Bridging the Gaps Staff: Thistle, Rachel, and Cathy!