Oh, The Places We Will Go!!! A PowerPoint All About Meriwether Lewis By: Madye
Date of Birth and Birth Place Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18,1774 to William Lewis and Lucy Lewis. Meriwether Lewis was born in Albemarle County, Virginia.
Lewis’ Family Lewis’ Mother- Lucy Lewis Lewis’ Dad- William Lewis Lewis’ Sister- Jane Lewis (Older Than Meriwether) Lewis’ Brother- Reuben ( Younger than Meriwether)
Early Childhood William(dad) died when Meriwether was only five years old. Soon after the death of his dad his mother married John Marks. John Marks soon decided that the family should move to Georgia. Years later they returned to Virginia when Meriwether was 13 years old to go to school on his own.
Education He attended a Virginia school when he was 13 years old and moved back to Virginia. His fathers both also taught him how to hunt when he was younger. He also taught himself how to make different things from his resources.
Adult Life Meriwether was promoted to lieutenant and then to captain in the Virginia Volunteer Corps.
Important Events When Meriwether was 18 he was able to manage his family’s plantation by himself. Meriwether led the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Bye Meriwether Lewis Meriwether sadly died on October 18, 1809. Meriwether was found dead of several gunshot wounds in Grinders Inn, in Natchez Trace, Tennessee.
Remembrance Meriwether Lewis is remembered for leading the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Remembrance- Lewis & Clark Trail
An Interesting Fact An interesting fact about Meriwether Lewis was that he was never married which means he never had children. This also means that he devoted his whole life to being a pioneer.
Lessons Learned A lesson learned was to always do what your parents tell you to do because it may come in handy later in life. Another lesson learned is to always go with the flow. He had to go with the flow when his step-father made the decision to move the family to Georgia and he moved and he later moved back to Virginia by himself to go to school there.
Hero or Celebrity? I think Meriwether Lewis was a hero. He was a hero because he demonstrated that he was a true pioneer.
References Moulton, Gary E. “Lewis, Meriwether”2008 21 Oct.2008 Stevens, Patsy “Meriwether Lewis Explorer Of The Western Frontier,” buzzle.com November 11, 2007. buzzle. 21 Oct. 2008 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/meriwether-lewis- explorer-of-the-western-frontier.html Fifer, Barbara Going Along With Lewis and Clark Helena, American World Geographic, 2000 Farcountry Press, Helena, MT