Animations offer for Hotels, Baths and Other Suppliers 2010 Gold Media Art Kft 1704 Budapest Pf Mobil: 0630/ Tel: 061/ Fax: 061/ This presentation is the property of Gold Media Art Ltd, using partly or in gross is strictly forbidden website:
What is the meening of animation? Animation comes from the latin word ‘animo’, which means: vitalize, animate, to imbue with special feelings, tune up, put in tune, inspire, cheer up
Who is the animator? Creative, cheerfull, free time manager, programme organizer, fittness and wellness advisor. The animator keeps contact with the guests, to provide unforgettable memories by holding creative trainings.
What is animation good for ? Animation is recommended for hotels, baths, sports centers, leasure time centers, who want to offer their clients something above standard services. Taking care of your guests is always reasonable. Animation may rise your image, and your clients will carry on your good reputation.
Available animation packages Sports animation Trip animation Children’s animation Event animation Experience animation Water animation Show animation Mix animation
Sports animation Real necessary part of animation. Active free-time recreation for both younger and older people We work on given field, or enlarge it with giant games, toys, sports tools Hurdle-races, quizzes, morning excercises, special sports trainings like dancing, fittness and wellness advices.
Trip animation For excursion lovers, we organise trips to the local sights on foot or with bikes with the purpose, to expose places in an amusing and extraordinary way. It’s a great active recreation for your clients.
Children’s animation For families with children the most important wiewpoint when going on holiday, is if the location has safe and creative possibilities for their kids to spend their time. Our animators organize entertaining programmes for both younger children and teenagers, where even the parents can take part in part of the day. Indoor games, outdoor games, hurdle races, face and body painting, craftsmen training, kids shows
Event animation Animations service, based on the events of the calendar. We use the topic in an entertaining, playful way, throwing it up with costumes, decoration, shows, presentations, craftsmen. We are able to build on different nations national holidays as well. We offer: Xmas, Santa Clause, New Years Eve, Carneval, Valentine’s day, Halloween, Easter, Children’S day
Experience animation Full day animation based on a free topic. Playfull excercises, thematical craftsmen programmes are on, with a fabolous show in the evening as the high light of the day where your guests can also take part. You can choose your topic freely. Adviseable to choose a nation, a profession or a science for it.
Water animation Specially for suppliers with swimming pools, water fields. The base of this kind of animation is water. We build on it’s special qualities, for all age groups. Water games, water races, pool quizzes, bath excercises
Water hurdle-races Water quizzes Water football water scooter Water zorb Water dodgem Water roundabout Water seesaw Water grasshopper Surf simulation
Show animation Show animation is an exciting and spectacular way to spend an evening or a night. Guests can also take part in the performance if they want. What we offer: Artists show, Michael Jackson imitation, Africa performance, Clown show, Flair show etc…
Mix animation Our animators are on your service both on land and in water with costumized programmes. Costumes, technics, stage and the prices for competitions are provided by our company. Available: Hawaii day, Retro day, Greek day, Brasil day, and so on…
Exclusive winter animations offer Winter sports animation Skeleton, ski, bob training, competitions, winter olimpics. Animations on the skate ring with funny contests Winter tours related with treasure hunting with Gps
Exclusive winter animations offer Creative animations for winter Craftsmen programs, waiting for Christmas and Santa, making gifts and decoration stuff, hat with fringe In the meantime funny competitions like ginger bread making and eating contest, sleight route planning and hurdle race. For adults angels and buffers party with dance contest.
Exclusive winter animations offer Winter event animations Animations offer in the name of the New year, Santa and Christmas with creative programs, contests and competitions. The pack can be ordered in international topics also. We build the pack around a nations culture. For example: english Xmas pudding eating contest, brasilian samba contest in New Year’s party etc.
Our offer We provide our skillfull animators, for a day, a weekend, a week or even for months. For the chosen animations package, we insure the technics, the properties, the stage if it’s needed. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, in the hope of successfull cooperation Thank you for your attention! For more special offers please visit our website