The Jewish General Hospital (JGH) Archives From internal database to the World Wide Web Presented by Shiri Alon, MLIS, Archivist, JGH Archives June 2, 2010 to the Association of Canadian Jewish Archives and Museums
2 Montreal’s Jewish Community Hebrew Maternity Hospital staff, 1925 Herzl Dispensary, c. 1912
3 The Jewish General Hospital (JGH) On September 22, 1929, a mass meeting of more than 3,000 people was held at the Mount Royal Hotel to officially launch a fundraising campaign to build the hospital. On Oct. 8, 1934, the JGH was officially inaugurated, and a week later, the first patient was admitted.
4 The JGH Archives The JGH Archives, subsidized by the JGH Health Sciences Library, preserves the institutional memory of the Hospital (early 20 th C- present) Contains 40 linear feet of archival material: textual material photographs artefacts audiovisual
5 Establishing an archive Exhibition of primary sources relating to the founding of the Hospital and promotion of the history of various JGH departments Creation of a detailed Finding Aid to describe the JGH fonds which currently includes 31 sous-fonds Development of database
6 Creation and population of a database
8 Using Inmagic Archives Online Add-on application to existing CS/Textworks Allows for accessions and descriptions Customized and further developed by Andornot, e.g. French fields Basic thesauri for cataloguing: Getty AAT and MeSH by NLM Description module is RAD compliant Proprietary software Source: Review of archives management software by the Council of Nova Scotia Archives,
9 Website development To share resources Promotion of digitization efforts Link to other institutions Make available to historians and researchers Celebrate 75-year history of the Hospital
10 Website development Keyword search Search by collection, e.g. Photographic or Brick & Pledge collections Finding aids for three collections with series descriptions: JGH Health Sciences Library JGH School of Nursing JGH Clinical Ethics Committee E-resources, e.g. lectures, books, exhibitions.
11 Website development Working with new Hospital provider/developer Co-ordination between previous provider/developer on how to use Inmagic as database platform for site Expressing specific needs of the archive
12 Hindsight is 20/20: lessons learned These things take time…. It’s going to cost how much??!! Sure, we can wait to launch it until next month… or the next… OK, let’s go over this again, in plainspeak please, I’m an archivist, not a programmer…
13 Currently working on… Processing, arranging, cataloguing larger collections More virtual exhibits, e-resources Creating links and networks Refining and troubleshooting
14 The Jewish General Hospital (JGH) Archives From internal database to the World Wide Web Presented by Shiri Alon, MLIS, Archivist, JGH Archives June 2, 2010 to the Association of Canadian Jewish Archives and Museums Thank you!