Demanding Good Governance in Belize By Kali Brgant, Carol Budna, Kyle Lovell, Laura Magnuson, and Emily May
Problem Statement: Corruption Stuns social progress and hurts economic development Creates a “corruption trap” Growing Debt Favors Inadequate representation (UNDP Discussion Paper 3: Corruption and Good Governance)
Literature Review: SPEAR Report Impacts of corruption on Belize: 3.7 in Corruption licenses Perception Index Alleged ballot-box switching in elections Import granted as political favors National Poverty Elimination Strategy: Enhance economic growth Improve access and quality of Social Services Modernize the state and improve governance Environmentally Sustainable Development
Literature Review: Nov 2006: Central American Corruption Conference Promoting Transparency through the Guatecompras program: All government spending transactions tracked through the internet Adopted by 305 government agencies Freedom of Information Act
Literature Review: US keeps Belize Dependent Consumer Goods, Cultural Imperialism, and Underdevelopment in Belize Import licenses Import restrictions Consumption of foreign goods Subsidies used to politically reward or punish
Partner: SPEAR Society for the Promotion of Education, Advocacy, and Research Formed in 1969 Mission: to struggle for justice democracy sustainable development
Good Governance in Relation to Millennium Development Goals Education Health Environment Global Partnership for Development
Project Description Striving for good governance in Belize Encouraging community involvement in local politics Strategic Planning Retreat Promoting SPEAR in Cayo: Independent Reformer Newspaper Article Brochure Yaad Talk
Addressing Political Corruption in Belize: Strategic Planning Retreat Furthered understanding of a NGO in action SPEAR’s transition Mission Vision Aligned partnership Illustrated need for SPEAR in Cayo
Addressing Political Corruption in Belize: Independent Reformer Newspaper Article Used Independent news source to: Promote Galen partnership with SPEAR Promote SPEAR as an organization Advertise Yaad Talk event
Addressing Political Corruption in Belize: Brochure History Current Projects Future Goals Getting Involved More Information
DEMANDING GOOD GOVERNANCE IN BELIZE What: Community discussion When: Thursday April 12, :30 pm- 8:30 pm Where: Hode’s Place Free food and forum for discussion Ask Questions Find Solutions Fight for Change
Addressing Political Corruption in Belize: Yaad Talk Promoting awareness of SPEAR and its cause Fostering discussion of pertinent political issues Providing forum for Cayo community on the topic of political reform
Results Strategic Planning Retreat: Solidified partnership Illuminated project potential Newspaper Article: Promoting event Publicizing partnership with SPEAR Brochure: Raising awareness of SPEAR among Belizean population Yaad Talk: Inaugurated SPEAR’s presence in Cayo District Raised community issues relating to political reform
Future Recommendations Consistent community forums Increase volume and distribution of SPEAR literature Continued struggle for accountability and transparency Achieve Justice, Democracy and Sustainable Development in Belize
Special Thanks SPEAR Gustavo Perera Gary Flomenhoft Participants and Audience of Yaad Talk