David and Goliath
The youngest Killed a lion Author of the psalms book
David went to visit his brothers who were in King Saul’s Army battling the Philistines. He heard the Philistines shouting and making fun of God’s people. The Philistines had Goliath who is a very heavy and a huge man and King Saul’s army were scared of him.
David went to King Saul and said to him… David: I'll go fight the Philistines. King Saul: But he is a very BIG man, and You're too young. David: I killed a lion to protect my sheep. Don’t worry King Saul, God will help me to win the battle. King Saul: “Go, and the LORD be with you!”
David went to face Goliath without any weapons. He only picked up some stones and went to stand before Goliath.
Goliath: Hahahaha…. I asked for a man to fight and they sent me a little boy!!! David: "You come against me with a spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord” ( 1Samuel: 17:45 )
David put a stone in his sling … ….. and swung it around and around
....and then through it on the air and smacked Goliath on his forehead! Goliath fell down … and then David ran to him … took his spear and killed him!
Watch David and Goliath Cartoon Click Here
Quiz Questions: Why were King Saul and his army afraid? (Goliath were very huge man and no one in the army can face him) Why was David not afraid of Goliath? (He knew that God was on his side) Why did Saul think David couldn’t fight Goliath? (He was too young) True and False: David never faced dangers before. (F) Goliath was stronger than God. (F) David won the battle against Goliath. (T)
What scares you the most? We need to trust in God, just like David. It doesn't matter how old you are, God will always be with you and will protect you. God looks at your heart.
"You come against me with a spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord” ( 1Samuel: 17:45 )