Introduction to ePlan Technical Aspect Electronic Plans of Subdivisions SSI Summit 17 September 2008
Outline Overview of ePlan – Chris Lester Introduction What is ePlan? Scope of ePlan Investigation Other Jurisdictions Stakeholders Matters to be Considered Benefits ePlan Project Plan Considerations Indicative Project Staging ePlan Technical Aspects – Mohsen Kalantari Key Features What is LandXML? Victorian Specific ePlan Standard ePlan Process Loop
What is ePlan? National initiative by the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) Managed by ICSM ePlan working group National adoption of a data transfer standard Specifically for cadastral and survey information
What is ePlan for? ePlan will enable the creation of a data file of surveying information related to a subdivision survey It is based on LandXML (an internationally recognised data standard for the land development industry) ePlan file will replace the paper/PDF Plan of Subdivision File will be lodged electronically Data will be extracted automatically ePlan will use infrastructure for the digital lodgement, exchange, alteration and examination of plans of subdivisions
ePlan Vision in Victoria Cadastral and Survey Information Download Survey and Cadastral Data Reuse Efficiency in Plan Preparation, Examination and Registration Principles Authoritative Digital Cadastral Information Standardised Data Exchange between Databases and Users eLand Development Outcomes Survey-accurate Digital Cadastral Database Digital Plans of Subdivision Fully Electronic Subdivision and Examination Processes Means
Scope of ePlan Investigation (1 of 2) National harmonisation by the adoption of the ICSM ePlan data model for the requirements of plans of subdivisions in Victoria Consultation with the stakeholders on the adoption of the ePlan format Understanding value of ePlan to, and its use in, DSE and industry Engaging the CAD software vendors in the development process Capacity building within the subdivision process stakeholders through running regular workshops and seminars and Providing information on ePlan, eg by publishing articles
Scope of ePlan Investigation (cont’d) (2 of 2) Identification of the technical “tools” needed for ePlan and the options for supplying them. These will/might include: a validation tool to be used by surveyors before application or data lodgement an online ePlan visualisation tool an ePlan examination tool an ePlan database management system Investigation of mechanisms for data base updates, including VicMap property, VOTS, SMES and LANDATA Investigation of mechanisms to deliver digital plan data to users Integration with SPEAR
Other Jurisdictions - New Zealand Fully operational Survey-accurate DCDB e-Survey system and LandXML based software for Creating, importing and capturing surveys Pre-validation of surveys and Survey lodgement Digital lodgement of Cadastral Survey Datasets (CSDs) has been mandatory since 1 September 2007 Proposals to provide an offline tool for digital plan generation, including diagram creation and editing, to improve efficiency for surveyors.
Other Jurisdictions - Queensland Implementing the ePlan model using the Survey Information Processing (SIP) tool All 2D plans are being captured via SIP The SIP captured digital data is being used to assist in the plan audit process Moving towards its second phase of its digital lodgement strategy exposing its web services to clients and engaging the industry vendors to provide solutions to industry.
Other Jurisdictions - New South Wales Building out of the electronic examination tool Developing and documenting data capture methodology for manually lodged plans Prototyping a lodgement environment Workshops with industry bodies Questionnaires to all surveyors who prepare plans Presentations to regional surveyors groups and industry seminars Designing new plans including separate entities Plan drawings Administrative data
Other Jurisdictions - Western Australia LandXML Project Board being formed Still investigating and developing a LandXML format for WA Contemplating a LandXML pilot program for plan lodgement with selected survey companies Existing digital format for lodgement Existing survey-accurate cadastral database (nearing completion) eLand development (linking digital Approvals and digital Plans (ePlan))
ePlan Stakeholders Class Stakeholder Surveyors and Professional Bodies Primary CAD Developers Local Government Statutory Authorities Spatial Information Infrastructure Core Internal SGV Office Land Victoria Subdivision Branch SPEAR Land Developers and Property Industry Secondary ICSM
Matters to be considered - Surveyors Introducing new procedures Initial discomfort Self-checking approach Purchasing or upgrading to a LandXML certified software package Necessity for surveyors to upgrade their current CAD software. Need to develop strategies for surveyors to acquire an ePlan-enabled software package Connection to MGA grid Using a survey-accurate cadastral database
Matters to be considered - CAD developers LandXML import / export modules Certification from LandXML organisation Certification from ICSM working group Integration with ePlan validation web service Integration with ePlan delivery web service International CAD software developers
Matters to be considered - DSE Survey-accurate cadastral database Survey back capture Automatic least square adjustment VicMap Property / SMES / VOTS / LANDATA updates Change to the provision of data to users Legislation changes Plan examination process changes Plan registration process changes
ePlan Benefits - General Efficiency in plan preparation Fewer geometric and associated human errors Efficiency in plan examination Labour-intensive nature of paper-based or PDF plan examination Reducing risks for the examination process Efficient update process for cadastral databases Automatic and simultaneous update of the internal data bases – VicMap property, VOTS, SMES databases, etc Survey-accurate cadastral database benefits many other users Standardisation Compliance with the national digital standard Data re-use Re-use the data without further enhancement
ePlan Benefits - Surveyors Enhance the quality of plan data Pre-validation of surveys Survey lodgement Survey-accurate cadastral database Improve access/delivery of survey info Reduce anomalies and requisitions Improve turn around times
ePlan Project Plan - Progress to Date Testing the standard Testing that the standard is complete and comprehensive Definition of the Victorian Registrar’s requirements for an electronic Plan of Subdivision Initial proof of concept Setting up for investigating the adoption of ePlan ePlan co-ordinator / LV Steering Committee Draft Project Plan Preliminary consultation plan Using the standard Identification of technical issues and needs Identification of technical components needed to use ePlan Use of ePlan in other areas, eg SII, CAD developers
ePlan Project Plan - What are we proposing to do? Technical Components definition and development Piloting / proof of concept Consultation Industry Government agencies and municipalities CAD developers Co-ordination DSE – LV, IBHT (SII), PLD Other jurisdictions / ICSM
ePlan Project Plan - What does it mean to LV? (1 of 2) Resourcing People – technical specialists, communications, organisational support Support materials Infrastructure Costs Business Case - cost / benefits Technical components Implementation in Victoria
ePlan Project Plan - What does it mean to LV? (cont’d) (2 of 2) Risks Uncertainty of outcome Interstate issues, ICSM Funding Industry support Benefits BPR for subdivision examination Survey-accurate cadastral database and updates Survey information
Indicative Project Staging (1 of 2) Stage 1 Consultation Data standard specification Identification of components and designing the infrastructure Business case for survey-accurate cadastral database Co-ordination with ICSM and other jurisdictions Proto-type system for demonstration
Indicative Project Staging (cont’d) (2 of 2) Stage 2 Working with CAD developers Development and testing of the ePlan infrastructure Identification of Subdivision Branch electronic examination needs Identification of cadastral database infrastructure enhancement Development of (ERC?) funding bids Stages 3, 4, ….. Adoption of ePlan in SPEAR Subdivision Branch infrastructure SII VicMap cadastral database upgrade ?
Outline ePlan Technical Aspects – Mohsen Kalantari Key Features What is LandXML? Victorian Specific ePlan Standard ePlan Process Loop
ePlan - Key Features Standard data format - LandXML Common interface - Web-based Paperless/PDF-less (ultimately) Automated data extraction Efficient data re-use Version control managed by the ePlan file Electronic lodgement Automatic updates of VicMap Property / VOTS / SMES for proposed and registered subdivisions More timely, accurate and complete updates to cadastral databases
What is LandXML? A specialized XML data file format Contains civil engineering and survey measurement data Can be used in the Land Development and Transportation Industries. Goals Specify an XML file format for civil engineering design and survey measurement data for the purposes of: Transferring engineering design data between producers and consumers. Providing a data format suitable for standard data archival. Providing a standard format for electronic design submission.
LandXML is a “grass roots” Industry Standard July 17, 2002 Ratified as an industry standard by Based on W3C XML Schema Recommendation May 2, 2001. LandXML Software Developers Kit 1.0 and documentation. LandXML-1.1 Ratified July 21, 2006 LandXML Software Developers Kit 1.1 available now. LandXML-1.2 Ratified July 29, 2008 LandXML Software Developers Kit 1.2 available now.
Some Open Source Tools
LandXML Data Model Administrative Data Project Project name and description, date. Application Application used to produce the data, version. Author Who created the data. Units Linear, angular, area, time, temperature, pressure, diameter, volume, flow and velocity. Elevation unit and LatLong Angular unit Coordinate Systems Grid and Projected coordinate systems Survey Equipment, and data collection parameters. Optical, EDM and GPS supported. Personnel, surveying company Annotations Acts Field book data: raw and reduced survey observations. Scale Factor
LandXML Data Model Design Geometry Data Points The basic 3D point with name, number, description, code and purpose All points support Latitude, Longitude, ellipsoid elevation attributes Geometry Contiguous Lines, circular curves, spirals, irregular lines and chains Parcels Closed parcel coordinate geometry Area, centroid, owner, class, type 3D parcel volumes Monuments Survey monument data Survey order, class, type, description
LandXML Data Model Design Geometry Data Alignments Road centerline 2D coordinate geometry. Profiles: vertical design alignments and sampled ground profiles. Cross Sections: design cross sections (1.1) and sampled surface sections. Superelevations Station Equations Surfaces (digital terrain models) TIN – The computed Triangulated Irregular Network of 3-point triangle faces. Grid – 4-point grid faces. Source Data: breaklines, contours and points used to compute the TIN or GRID. PlanFeatures Generic geometric data like fence lines, as-built data (curbs, building outlines, etc…).
Victorian Specific ePlan Standard Based on LandXML Victorian specific data Administrative area list County list Parish list Annotation definitions list Covenants, Owner corp. Limitation Jurisdiction enumerated types Administration area type: County, Parish … Monument type: Bolt, Plug, Disc,… Surveying Regulation Abstract of Field Records, Permanent Mark Sketches and Surveyors Report
Victorian Specific ePlan - example
ePlan Process Loop ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Examination Workstations VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server
Relationship between components and stakeholders User Developer ePlan Preparation Work Station Surveyors CAD software vendors ePlan Validation Tool Surveyors, LV Subdivision Branch Land Victoria ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Visualisation Tool) Surveyors, LG, SAs, Land Victoria, SII ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Tool ePlan Database ePlan Database Server SII, Land Victoria SII / Land Victoria ePlan Delivery Web Service Surveyors, LG, SAs Land Victoria / SII
ePlan Preparation Work Station A mechanism to prepare an ePlan file by surveyors Upgraded pack of the current CAD packages by CAD vendors Data Reuse To transfer project information between software programs With stylesheets to export LandXML data and create customized reports Engagement of the CAD vendors through the ICSM ePlan working group National approach will be an incentive for the vendors. 9 commercial softwares have registered with LandXML ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
CAD Software converting to ePlan
ePlan Validation Tool Preliminary examination of ePlan files Self checking facility for surveys ePlan validation communicates with ePlan preparation work station ePlan enabled database server through SPEAR A multi stage validation Structural validation of the ePlan files Preliminary validation ( to lodge the application) Content validation (to receive the statement of compliance) Geometrical validation (to be lodged at Land Victoria) Equipped with validation reporting Identification of errors Prompting to errors Reduces requisitions ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan validation web service
ePlan Enabled SPEAR Integration to SPEAR Version of SPEAR with capabilities of uploading, visualising and locating ePlan files Visualisation tool options Interactive map Google Map MS Virtual Earth Scalable Vector Graphics Query from digital plans for LGs and SAs Restrictions Number of lots Area…. ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan visualisation in Google Map
ePlan visualisation in SVG
ePlan Examination Database A temporary storage for the submitted ePlan files Strong versioning functionality to manage the retrieval of the plans ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan Examination Work Station Automating the examination process Making queries on digital plans Reducing examiners’ work load by modelling the examination steps in a software package Linked to a database management system capable of communicating to the ePlan examination database and ePlan database. Registration of the Plan in the ePlan database ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan Database A database for registered ePlan files A DBMS to communicate with the ePlan management system ePlan database can be established by back capturing current registered plans of subdivision and converting the imaged plans to ePlan data format. ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan Management System Interface for updating Vicmap property, VOTS, SMES, …. Interface between internal databases and ePlan delivery web service Interface between SPEAR and internal database ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan Delivery Web Service Online application for extracting data from the ePlan, Vicmap property and VOTS databases Combining the extracted data to create an ePlan file. ePlan preparation workstation will also be communicating with the web service to create an ePlan file. ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Examination Workstations ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES
ePlan ePlan Validation Web Service ePlan-enabled SPEAR (Enhanced SPEAR) ePlan Examination Database ePlan Preparation Work Station (Enhanced CAD Software) ePlan Examination Workstations VicMap Property VOTS LANDATA SMES ePlan Delivery Web Service (Enhanced LANDATA) ePlan Registration Database (Enhanced VOTS) ePlan Database Server