High energy neutrons from space collide with atoms in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The ratio of 14C to 12C in atmospheric carbon dioxide remains fairly constant over time Carbon reacts with oxygen in air to produce carbon dioxide. Both I4CO2 and 12CO2 are produced. Carbon dioxide is evenly distributed throughout the entire atmosphere, even at ground level! Because 14C is constantly being produced (by bombardment) and depleted (by decay), it reaches a steady-state concentration in the atmosphere. The 14C in the CO2 decays back into I4N by emitting a beta particle. This decay process is very slow since 14C has a long half-life (5730 years). The collision of high energy neutrons with 14N produces 14C atoms. A proton is also ejected in the process. This equilibrium is comparable to water trickling into a cup with a small hole in it. The water will eventually reach a constant, stable level in the cup
The 14C/12C ratio in carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis is equivalent to the ratio of these two isotopes in the atmosphere. Carnivores eat herbivores and incorporate the 14C stored in herbivores into their tissues. A herbivore eats plants. It incorporates some of the carbon Atoms from starch and carbohydrates into its tissue and exhales some carbon atoms in the form of carbon dioxide. The 14C/12C ratio in dead tissues decreases over time because 14C decays but 12C does not. Plants consume atmospheric carbon dioxide during photosynthesis Organisms die and decay through natural processes. Any decrease in the total amount of carbon due to decomposition will not effect the 14C/12C ratio. As long as an organism consumes carbon containing materials it will maintain a constant 14C/12C ratio.
An archeologist discovers a spear or a similar carbon-based artifact. Modern methods of C-14 dating utilize mass spectrometry which detects the number of C-14 and C-12 atoms. Using a Geiger counter, the radio-activity of the artifact can be measured. From this the ration of 14C/12C in the artifact can be calculated. The radioactivity can then be compared with the activity level in comparable living tissue By knowing how much this ratio has decreased, we can determine how old the artifact is. This is known as C-14 dating. An ancient ancestor cut down a tree and carved it to make a spear.