Community development officers, adult literacy instructors and local authority officers visit Gayaza Family Learning.
Allen and Rachel addressing visitors from Wakiso district Allen and Rachel are family learning ambassador. Here they are sharing their experience.
Very attentive audience The visitors were keen to hear the changes that family learning has brought about among the learners. Karungi, the chairperson of adult literacy instructors in Nangabo Sub County said, ‘When family learning started in Nangabo in 2008, it was ranked the 5 th literacy learning centre but now it is leading.’
Immaculate addressing guests. Immaculate had concerns about the failure of the local government to support family learning. She said women both with and without formal learning are benefiting but they need support to implement their ideas. The District Community Development officer said, “What you are doing is impressive and next year we shall see if you can be considered’ Immaculate emphasized that volunteer work is difficult but the success that family learning has brought to poor families is an encouragement to keep working.
Sub county Community development office. Sarah Nakanwagi, the sub county Community Development Officer said, ‘When I came to work in this county, I could not imagine there were illiterate mothers until I received reports from family learning.’ The sub county is not far from Kampala. She said there are some small grants in her office from the local government that she will look through and recommend some for Gayaza family learning. She was impressed.
District counsellor The district counselor thanked the learners and trainers. She said, ‘Women spear head development but face many challenges. She added that they have learnt a lot here and would like each person present to go back and emulate what they have learnt. She encouraged Gayaza Family learning to excel in what they are doing. She would want to come back and find better developments. The District Community Development Officer, Sekagiri Frank said, ‘Gayaza Family Learning is the best literacy centre because it includes children. It is the first he has seen. He would like to introduce family literacy in other centres. What is more interesting is that, it is the only centre which incorporates integration and psychosocial approaches to learning literacy. He thought the centre qualifies for government support.