Developing positive healthy lifestyle behaviours through Increased physical activity and school sport Positioning Change4Life Sports Clubs Whole School Priorities Spring 2012
National Child Measurement Programme The 2011/12 evaluation by The National Obesity Observatory shows: One in five children in Reception is overweight or obese (boys 23.5%, girls 21.6%) One in three children in Year 6 is overweight or obese (boys 35.4%, girls 32.4%)
Change4Life Sports Clubs RATIONALE Increasing physical activity and wellness in inactive 7-9 year olds Improving self esteem and addressing mental health issues Increasing participation in less active children in the most deprived areas Developing a new type of sports club on a school site and driven by the needs of young people Contributing to Sainsbury’s School Games by ensuring less active young people can engage Positioning of a health messages within sport “Teachers’ believe the Change 4 Life Clubs have had a very positive impact in terms of increasing confidence and developing a sense of belonging, which analysis shows are positively linked with the provision of a regular designated physical space for Change 4 Life Clubs within the school.” (SPEAR 2012)
Change4Life Sports Clubs PRINCIPLES Attracts less active young people in multi-sport and non-traditional school sport clubs Builds a network of Change4Life Sports Clubs on school sites Uses the inspiration of Olympic and Paralympic values Responds to what Young People want. Develops a “sense of belonging” and establishes a regular culture of attendance and participation Utilises the club environment to change behaviours around key health areas “Over 53,000 children (85% of participants) were not achieving at least 60 active minutes every day at the start of the programme, thus the clubs are effectively reaching the target group of those children who are less active.” (SPEAR 2012)
Change4Life Sports Clubs IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES “Of the just over 22,000 children who entered the programme achieving at least 30 active minutes per day less than half the time, more than 10,000 (46%) finished the programme achieving at least 30 active minutes per day more than half the time.” (SPEAR 2012) Recognise What are your whole school priorities? How can you position this programme with Head Teachers? Target Which students do we need to target? How do we identify these students?
Change4Life Sports Clubs EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT “Those primary children achieving at least 60 active minutes every day has more than doubled over the course of the programme, resulting in more than 10,700 additional children now achieving at least 60 active minutes every day.” (SPEAR 2012) Recruit How do we recruit members? Who can help us identify and recruit? Retain How do we develop ownership and a sense of belonging? How do we recognise and reward? Have we celebrated success? Sustain What do we measure? How do we measure? How and to who do we feedback?
Change4Life Sports Clubs CELEBRATING SUCCESS