1© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Advanced Persistent Threat Sachin Deshmanya & Srinivas Matta
2© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Defining APT Evolution of threat models Intention of such threats How to gear up for such a threat Agenda
3© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. What is APT Advanced –Sophisticated. –Targeted. –With a purpose. Persistent –Continued efforts to achieve the goal. –Month after month, even years. Threat –Are resourceful, capable. –Are determined to achieve the goals.
4© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Intrusion kill chain Different Stages ReconnaissanceResearch, identification and selection of targets. WeaponizationCoupling a remote access Trojan with an exploit into a deliverable payload. DeliveryTransmission of weapon into the target network. ExploitationOnce a weapon is delivered, the intruders code exploits a vulnerability of an application OR operating system. InstallationInstallation of remote access Trojan, allows backdoor entry. Command and ControlCompromised host forms a channel to controlled servers. Actions on objectivesOnce the above phases are complete, intruders take actions to achieve original goal. Chain is a series of process such as find, fix, track, target, engage and assess. So find the targets for engagement, fix their location, track and keep an eye, target with suitable weapon, engage, assess the effects. This is called a chain because any interruption breaks the entire process.
5© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Differentiator, evolution of threats Traditional Virus/MalwareAPT Target random networks/hosts.Target specific network/hosts. Probably of getting detected are high by AV as their signatures get detected. Combination of malware used, signatures go undetected because of this. The effects become visible over a period of time, as large network/hosts get infected. The idea is to lay low over a significant period of time. A good firewall OR intrusion detection system can prevent entry by signature checking. Carrier is mostly through content, which uses well known ports (80, 443 etc.) and known protocol http, https etc.
6© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Different techniques used in an APT Spear phishing s Social engineering s
7© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Different techniques used in an APT Zero Day exploits
8© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Am I a APT victim, how to gear up? How to figure out you are a victim of APT attack? What to look out for? May get unnoticed by a single AV/IDS. Analyzing network layered packets is good way to start. Log analyses from various sources with co-relation should help. Monitoring end points for suspicious behavior. Good asset management should be in place, guard critical systems. Monitoring critical asset’s is very important. Finding needle in a hay stack.
9© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Am I a APT victim, how to gear up? What to look out for? Multi layered defense is needed. We are moving towards intelligence driven security systems.
10© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. RSA Security Analytics RSA Security Analytics gives security teams the ability to unleash their full potential and stand tall against today’s attackers by evolving from a traditional log-centric approach to one with better visibility, analysis, and workflow