 Built fires  Built shelters  Made clothing  Migrated to follow food.


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Presentation transcript:

 Built fires  Built shelters  Made clothing  Migrated to follow food

 Long periods of time where the temperature dropped and areas of the Earth such as Northern Europe, Asia, and North America were covered with ice.

 Early form of religion  To bring good luck in hunts

 The changes in human life that took place after farming was developed.

 People no longer had to hunt for their meat.  They provided meat, milk, and wool  They carried goods and pulled carts.

 It gave  light  protection from animals  Warmth  Cooked meat which made it last longer

 People did not have to be nomadic  Populations increased  Fewer people starved  More children survived to adulthood  People lived closer together  Diseases spread more easily  People polluted their environment

PaleolithicNeolithic Stone: spears, axes. arrows Sticks: spear heads Bones: fishhooks fire Sickles Metal tools: copper and bronze

 Men: hunt for food  Women: gathered food, cared for children

 People needed to move to get food. If they hunted & gathered all the available food in one area, they would have to move to get a new food supply.

 Australopithecus afarensis  Homo habilis  Homo erectus  Homo sapien neaderthalensis  Homo sapien sapien

 They analyze artifacts and fossils and make hypotheses about what the artifacts show about early humans’ daily life such as what they ate, how long they lived, what they looked like etc.

AA person or group of people who move regularly to find food and shelter.

TTo tame animals and plants for human use.

 A creature that walked on two legs.

TThe development of different types of jobs within a community.

 Extreme changes in human lifestyles brought on by the development of farming.