TEA SOCIAL STUDIES UPDATE TSSSA CONFERENCE MARCH 22, 2013 Brenda Tingle Manager of Social Studies Assessments Texas Education Agency
AGENDA STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Performance Data Sample Test Questions 2
3 STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES STAAR 3-8 Performance Standards Approved performance standards were posted on the TEA website in January Performance standards were applied to the spring 2012 assessments and reported in January These performance standards will be used in state and federal accountability systems beginning with 2013 tests.
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES January 2013 performance reports with applied standards include: Confidential student reports Confidential student labels Updated confidential campus roster Updated campus and district summary reports Updated data files 4
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES The statewide summary shows fairly consistent performance across categories. Category 1 = 54% Category 2 = 58% Category 3 = 54% Category 4 = 52% 8
Grade 8 Sample Test Questions 9
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES Topics that might require further review Ratification Immigrant groups Reconstruction era 10
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES (4) History. The student understands significant political and economic issues of the revolutionary era. The student is expected to E. analyze the arguments for and against ratification. (Readiness Standard) 11
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES (11) Geography. The student understands the physical characteristics of North America and how humans adapted to and modified the environment through the mid-19 th century. The student is expected to C. describe how different immigrant groups interacted with the environment in the United States during the 17 th, 18th, and 19 th centuries. (Supporting Standard) 13
STAAR GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES (9) History. The student understands the effects of Reconstruction on the political, economic, and social life of the nation. The student is expected to C. explain the economic, political, and social problems during Reconstruction and evaluate their impact on different groups; and (Readiness Standard) 15
STUDENT SUCCESS ON STAAR Understand the level of performance the TEKS require Teach students the academic vocabulary Teach both readiness and supporting content and skills Develop coherent instructional programs that integrate the scaffolding/building blocks necessary for students to do course work 17
STUDENT SUCCESS ON STAAR Emphasize critical/inferential thinking and application rather than isolated or memorized content and skills Reinforce connections between different content areas (e.g., social studies and reading) 18
WHO WANTS TO SEE MORE STAAR QUESTIONS? Sign up to be invited to our educator committees review and edit STAAR test questions collaborate with other social studies educators 19
STAAR Resources Page (continuously updated) Assessed curriculum Assessment blueprints Sample test questions Standard-setting STAAR™ General Resources Questions and Answers Printable Document (PDF updated 03/09/2012) Printable Document Posted on the TEA student assessment website at 20
CURRENT EOC ASSESSMENTS Statewide summary reports for 2012 are available on the TEA student assessment website at Statewide summary reports include “All Students;” this refers only to those students who participated in the EOC assessments. 21
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