Greek Mythology A tour of the gods and goddesses.
Genealogy of the Olympians
Zeus Son of Cronus and Rhea Was the god of the sky Most powerful god, Ruler of all the gods He married seven times Symbols: thunderbolt, eagle, and oak
Hera Wife of Zeus and the sister of Zeus Was the goddess of marriage Symbols: sceptre, peacock
Aphrodite/Venus Was the goddess of love and beauty Symbols: myrtle, dove One of the Twelve Olympians
Apollo god of the arts, archery, and sun Symbols: bow, chariot, laurel Brother of the goddess Artemis Son of Zeus One of the Twelve Olympians
Ares/Mars Was the god of war Symbol: spear One of the Twelve Olympians Son of Zeus and Hera
Artemis Was the goddess of the hunt and protector of children Symbols: bow, deer Daughter of Zeus by Leto Twin sister of Apollo
Athena Was the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts Symbols: aegis | a shield, owl, olive tree One of the Twelve Olympians
Demeter/Ceres Was the goddess of Agriculture(harvest) and fertility Symbols: scepter, torch, corn (grain) One of the Twelve Olympians
Dionysus Youngest of the Twelve great Olympians Was the god of wine, mysteries, and the theatre Symbols: grape vine, ivy, thyrsos | staff upon which ivy or grape vines were wound, panther
Hephaestus Was the god of blacksmiths and metal-workers Symbol: axe Cripples by Zeus, married Aphrodite Son of Zeus and Hera
Hermes/Mercury Was the god of merchants; messenger of Zeus Symbols: caduceus | staff with two entwined serpents, winged boots
Poseidon/Neptune Was the god of the sea and earthquakes Symbols: trident, horse, bull Son of Cronus and Rhea One of the Twelve Olympians Brother of Zeus, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia
Hades God of the Underworld Symbols, - dog, the color black, the cypress Brother of Zeus