H. Fritzsch
quantum chromo dynamics electroweak gauge theory
Special quantum relativity mechanics
Standard Theory particle physics
1936 => matter atoms electrons + nuclei
Proton Electron
nucleus protons neutrons
electric force strong force
1935 Heisenberg / Pauli
1935 strong interactions - meson exchange - Hideki Yukawa meson
mass: 140 MeV nucleon
1932 Heisenberg Isospin
pions: triplet eta: singlet
weak decay elm. decay
LBL Berkeley Golden gate
1953 pion nucleon
delta quadruplet 1230 MeV
1 discovery of new particles in cosmic rays Hyperons K-mesons
pair production
6 hyperons
8 baryons
new mesons
8 mesons
strangeness conserved in processes of strong interactions
strangeness not conserved in processes of weak interactions
S conserved elm. process S=-2 S=-1
8 baryons
8 mesons => octet
Isospin breaking about 1% _______________________________ SU(3)-symmetry breaking about 20% !
Group theory
U(n) group of complex unitary n x n matrices SU(n) n x n matrices det U = 1
U = exp (iH) H: Hermitean n x n matrix
det U = exp i (trH) SU(n): det U = 1 tr H = 0
SU(n) (n x n-1) generators SU(2): 3 SU(3): 8 SU(4): 15 SU(5): 24
structure constants
quarks triplet fundamental representation
quark triplet
steps p / q irreducible representations
each state is described by 3 numbers:
1232 MeV 1530 MeV 1385 MeV Decuplet ???
Decuplet ?
mesons singlets, octets baryons singlets, octets, decuplets triplets? sextets?
Three quarks for Muster Mark! Finnegans Wake, page 383
Three quarks for Muster Mark! Drei Mark für Musterquark!
Symmetry breaking quark masses m(u)=m(d)=m(s) SU(3) unbroken
m(u): 5 MeV m(d): 7 MeV m(s): 110 MeV SU(3) broken
m(u): 5 MeV m(d): 7 MeV m(d) > m(u) isospin broken by quark masses m(neutron) > m(proton) !!!
strangeness: - minus number of strange quarks !
scaling behaviour cross section
partons quarks
current commutators near the light cone abstracted from free quark model explains scaling behaviour
115 1 x x = quark-momentum / proton-momentum Expected: x => 1/3
1974 : SPEAR Stanford
electron-positron-annihilation J/ψ: 3,1 GeV
c: Charm - Quark
D-mesons ( masses ~ 1870 MeV )
D-mesons decay: weak interactions
1977 Fermilab discovery Y „upsilon“
upsilon meson (ϒ) 9.46 GeV ϒ=ϒ=
discovery of t-quark
t-quark gold atom
t-quark decay very fast no time to form a hadron => No T-mesons No T-baryons