Game On Gaming in Libraries: Fyan Library Conference Kelli Strimbel: Sheree Beaudry:
Menu: Video Gaming Stats 92% of boys and 80% of girls say they play video games at home (Pew Internet and American Life) 150 million US citizens now having access to at least one console (including 80 percent of men between years of age) 63% of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives.
Level 1: Gaming in the Library? Gaming and Literacy Go Hand in Hand – Can’t Read? Can’t Play! Libraries of all types promote the development of these literacy skills in numerous ways including gaming programs to promote problem solving and the development of higher order thinking skills. Game design activities both encompass and look beyond the forms of literacy that are defined by existing school and library standards, combining computational fluency, mathematics, logic, storytelling, sound and graphic design systems concepts and information management, among other disciplines.
Level 2: How to Get Started Survey Your Teen Patrons Talk with Your Colleagues Money … Where is it? How Can I Make this Happen without Spending My Entire Budget? Check your Attitude!
Level 3: What Now? Set your Limits and Structure. Market your Gaming. Think Big, Start Small! Mix it Up! Feed Them and They Will Come! Tournaments. Start a Gaming Group with Smart Gaming Kids! Steal Ideas, Blog, Chat, Research!
GAME OVER Kelli Strimbel Sheree Beaudry