International Reading Association Student Council How to make TAKS more enjoyable for both the student and the teacher!
Importance of Showing Up Please remember that when you sign up for any service events that it is important that you attend. Please check the website under upcoming events to make sure you are still able to attend the service events you previously signed up for, if you are unable to attend please ASAP and let me know.
Results of not showing up… Starting now, for any future service events that you sign up for and do not show up to without calling me or ing me with an excuse (prior to the event) then you will no longer be able to participate in anymore of the future service events.
Boys and Girls Club Haunted House Carnival & Haunted House The kids had a blast! We had a blast! Thank you for those of you who volunteered to help set up and participate during the actual event! You guys put hundreds of smiles on those kids faces!
Service Events
Thanksgiving Dinner Calderon Branch (West) 600 S.W. 19th Street San Antonio, Texas THIS Thursday November 19 th 3-8p.m. Please DO NOT BE LATE. Please wear comfortable shoes and your IRA t-shirt. Also if you have long hair please pull it back out of your face because we will be serving people food.
Please confirm that you will be able to attend… Kasey Risica: Kristina Nieto: Lauren Blair Lisa Maher Christina Crabtree Jennifer Adan Dominique Brittian Michelle Zimmerman: Jessica Weber Jackie Sanchez: Christi Acuna: Brenda Martinez Chelsea Diaz: Caroline Sumerlin: Mellori Garcia: Angie Cruz: Ruben Cassiano: Sara Perrenoud: Melissa Moya: Sonny Hopkins: Rachel Gonzales: Briton Merkley Zahra Hooda Stephanie Waterhouse Allison Abelow:
Thanksgiving Dinner Set-Up Chair and Table Set Up Wednesday November 18 th 6-8p.m. Can you help? Volunteers so far… Jessica Redwine Briton Merkley
Ronald McDonald House 4803 Charles Katz San Antonio, TX Saturday November 21 st 12-3p.m.
Volunteers…Please confirm. 1. Nina Flick 2. Sarah Powell 3. Christina DeLagarza 4. Andrea Boothe 5. Jessica Marin 6. Jessica Redwine 7. Lyndsey Flores 8. Kristina Nieto **There are 2 open spots so if you are interested please let me know**
Mentoring Program Our jobs are to be primarily reading tutors and for those of you who have ed me the days and times you can attend thank you. We will be starting this up hopefully this coming week so be prepared. These kids really need our help, so please make sure you can make the time commitment.
Volunteer List…Please Confirm 1.Madison Fulton 2.Lyndsey Flores 3.Amanda Aguilera 4.Andrea Boothe: Saturdays from p.m. 5.Caroline Sumerin 6.Jessica Marin: 7.Ashley Thomas 8.Allison Abelow: Fridays: 4:30-6:30p.m. 8.Viviana Durand 9.Corinne Markitell: 10.Ashley Wiltshire: Thursday 3-6p.m 11.Angie Cruz: Tuesday 4- 5p.m. 12.Rachel Gonzales 13.Victoria Trevino: Tuesdays at 3:00p.m. 14.Brittany Hayden: 15.Nina Flick: Saturday anytime
Morningside Manor Talk and play games with residents When: Whenever fits into your schedule Decorate for Christmas Right after Thanksgiving they need to start decorating so they need your help. Are you interested in helping out? Please let me know.
Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday November 17 th & Thursday November 19 th 11:30-5:30p.m. Ground floor of the Main Building PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE Please wear your IRA shirt
Tuesday November 17th 11:30-5:30p.m. : Madison Fulton 11:30-5:30p.m. : Victoria Trevino 11:30-2:00p.m. : Rachel Gonzales 11:30-2:00p.m.: Elizabeth Pena 11:30-3:00p.m. : Marsela Molina 11:30-1:30p.m. : Lauren Blair 12:30-1:30p.m.: Jessica Redwine 1:00-2:00p.m. : Erica Laksbergs 1:00-3:00p.m. : Ruben Cassiano 1:45-4:00p.m. : Sara Perrenoud 2:00-4:00p.m. : Megan Bunger 2:00-4:00p.m. : Deborah Zepeda 2:00-5:30p.m. : Melissa Moya 2:00-5:30p.m. : Angie Cruz 2:00-5:30p.m. : Mellori Garcia 2:00-5:30p.m. : Brenda Martinez 2:00-5:30p.m. : Caroline Sumerin 3:00-5:30p.m. : Dominique Brittan 4:00-5:30p.m. : Jessica Giulliani
Thursday November 19th 11:30-1:00p.m. : Michelle Zimmerman 11:30-1:00p.m. : Christi Acuna 11:30-1:00p.m.: Monica Schnaubelt 11:30-1:00p.m. : Jackie Sanchez 11:30-1:00p.m. : Kasey Risica 11:30-1:15p.m. : Christina Crabtree 11:30-1:15p.m. : Zahra Hooda 12:00-5:00p.m.: Kristina Nieto 12:30-2:30p.m. : Lisa Maher 1:00-5:30p.m. : Kelli Love 1:00-4:00p.m.: Lyndsey Flores 1:00-4:00p.m. : Erica Laksbergs 2:00-4:30p.m. : Megan Bunger 2:15-4:00p.m. : Barbara Ehrhardt 2:00-5:30p.m. : Jaime Dubey*** 2:00-5:30p.m. : Caroline Sumerin 2:30-5:30p.m. : Brittany DelBosque
Literacy Fiesta Friday December 11 th 10-12:00p.m. The Children’s Museum 305 E. Houston San Antonio, TX 78205
Volunteers…Please Confirm. 1.Christina Crabtree 2.Jessica Giulliani 3.Zahra Hooda 4.Lyndsey Flores: 5.Kasey Risica: 6.Kristina Nieto: 7.Lauren Blair 8.Andrea Boothe 9.Caroline Sumerin: 10.Valerie Sheffield 11.Angelica Hysaw 12.Dana Bailey: 13.Christi Acuna: 14.Chelsea Diaz: 14. Shannon Gaffney: 15. Mellori Garcia: 16. Christi Yosko 17. Angie Cruz: 18. Elizabeth Pena: 19. Ruben Cassiano: 20. Isabel Gonzales: 21. Kristi Coldwell: 22. Ashley King: 23. Jaime Dubey 24. Christine Garcia
Please Welcome… Viki Ash From the San Antonio Public Library Any Questions?!
Please Welcome… Dr. Carol Harle on how to make TAKS more enjoyable for both the teacher and the students! Any Questions?!
Congrats Graduates! For anyone who is graduating this December thank you for being a part of the IRA with us this semester! We wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors! CONGRATULATIONS!
Happy Holidays! We hope all of you have happy and safe holidays in the months of November-January! Eat lots and travel safely! Good luck on finals! This is our last meeting for the semester, so please check our website regularly for updates. We will also continue our service events throughout these months, so please check your to keep informed.
Our New Website: ary_learning_and_teaching/student_ section/ ary_learning_and_teaching/student_ section/
We will see you again on… Saturday, January 23 rd from 11- 1p.m. Topic: Technology in the Classroom