Yardangs on MARS!!! Period: 1 Big bang theory Amanda Hosino Christianne Jullian Jessica Luong Kelli Oyasato Leiala Okuda Megan Inouye-Ng
Research Question Where are the most Yardangs located? Why is our science question important? Our science question is important because then, it will show us the clues to where Yardangs are located and we can find similarities between Earth and Mars. Why is your science question interesting? Our science question is interesting because it lets us try to figure out where we could find various places that contains Yardangs.
Hypothesis If there is an area that has lots of erosions…then the most Yardangs would be found there…because Yardangs are found on surfaces that erode easily.(everyones hypothesis) If Yardangs are formed from sand particles blown in the wind…then it would be found where sand storms occur…because their found on surfaces that erode easily. (Megan's hypothesis)
Methods Space craftNASA’s Mars Odyssey CameraTHEMIS Camera Image TypeVisible Images- to see details within the crater MOLA- to see context of image and depth Geologic Features StudiedTopic: Yardangs. Yardangs matches our research question because we want to know where we can find the most Yardangs. Research Question: Where are the most Yardangs located? Geologic Regions we focused on All of Mars.
Methods Website list: Data collection steps on site: 1. Go to the website; 2. Click on the “image gallery” 3. Click on THEMIS image by topic 4. Click on Wind/Dust 5. Look for pictures of Yardangs Image ID #- Latitude/ Longitude- Misc. Data-
Methods Sample size120 THEMIS Images used to gather data Categories of data to be collected and “Why” Image ID # - We need to know the Image ID # because it would be hard to find a picture without it. We need it for our bibliography too. The Image ID # also identifies each image from each other. Latitude/ Longitude – We need to know the latitude and longitude of the Yardang images so we can find the exact location of it. Misc. Data – To record any other interesting information not warranted by our necessary data categories but certainly important to our study MeasurementsPicture diameter- rough estimation relative to image parameters based on THEMIS camera’s visible image range of 18km x 30km
Hypothesis Christianne -If… there wasn’t any air, no wind, and no sand… -Then… there wouldn’t be any yardangs -Because… for yardangs to form, you need wind and sand. Megan -If…yardangs are formed from sand particles blown in the wind.. -Then…it would likely be found in a sandstorm, or windy areas -Because…their formed with lots of wind.
Background Information
Bibliography ct&sa=X&gbv=2&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=eHB1uewa9r QWZM:&imgrefurl= /&docid=yeyUWJj9XMWYjM&imgurl= c.flickr.com/4001/ _59ac5b0138.jpg&w=500&h=449 &ei=_KHKTrXNA6jmiAKTiNHbDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=331& vpy=265&dur=3872&hovh=213&hovw=237&tx=117&ty=100&si g= &page=9&tbnh=114&tbnw=135&st art=127&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:127&biw=1003&bih=636 ct&sa=X&gbv=2&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=eHB1uewa9r QWZM:&imgrefurl= /&docid=yeyUWJj9XMWYjM&imgurl= c.flickr.com/4001/ _59ac5b0138.jpg&w=500&h=449 &ei=_KHKTrXNA6jmiAKTiNHbDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=331& vpy=265&dur=3872&hovh=213&hovw=237&tx=117&ty=100&si g= &page=9&tbnh=114&tbnw=135&st art=127&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:127&biw=1003&bih=636
Data #Image ID #LatitudeLongitude 1V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
Data #Image IDLatitudeLongitude 21V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
Data #Image ID #LatitudeLongitude V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
Data #Image ID #LatitudeLongitude 61V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
Data #Image IDLatitudeLongitude v v E v v v v v v v v v v v v v
Our paragraph: Most of the points are in the green and near the equator. They are also mostly in between 90 to 180 longitude range and the -30 and 30 latitude range. The points are clustered together.