Update Session with GaPSC Spring 2012 Update from the Educator Preparation and Certification Division
Rule Changes – David Partnerships & Clinical Practice - David Master Teacher - David Regional Service Teams - David Assessment - David Title IIA - David Certification Update – Kelli Technology Update - Chuck Agenda
Rule Changes
Rule changes/upcoming rule work –Recent rule changes – All rules are periodically updated to align to national standards & to address new issues that impact a field: counseling/science/ESOL –Possible future rules Pre-service & Induction certificates Add a field rule Alt prep leadership Advisement endorsement VI prep work Rules
Partnerships & Clinical Practice: Preparing Our Future Teachers
Leadership Partnerships –Co-construction of the preparation program –School system determination of its leadership pool Other Partnerships –Field experiences –Student teaching –Move toward more clinical practice Partnerships & Clinical Practice
What they “look like,” what they should “look like” What role districts and RESAs have What is the value-added for partnerships? Partnerships
Expectations for universities are clear and movement toward full implementation is progressing School systems and RESAs seem less clear & seem tentative about their roles How can we jump start engagement of school systems/RESAs with universities in designing leadership preparation? Partnership Development Needs More Work Leadership Rules UpdateLeadership Rules Update
Disturbing trend How clinical practice can benefit schools What are some viable models? What are some big red flags? Clinical Practice Leadership Rules UpdateLeadership Rules Update
Master Teacher
What is the purpose of Master Teacher Certification? To recognize classroom teachers who are demonstrating excellence as evidenced in student achievement and progress
Master Teacher Who is eligible to apply? All full-time Georgia public school teachers in grades K-12 Applications accepted in three formats: CRCT (grades 4-8), non-CRCT, and Instructional Coach What are the minimum criteria? Clear renewable certificate for at least 3 full years prior to applying Meets or exceeds professional responsibilities Application approved by school system
What are some benefits to teachers and systems? Master Teachers are a source of strong teacher leadership with the potential to assist other teachers, schools and systems to meet improvement goals. Professional learning offered annually to Master Teachers can be re-delivered at the local level. Master Teacher designation is valid for 7 years and serves to renew educator certificate. Master Teacher
How does a teacher apply? Applications open in September – materials are accessed online at Deadlines for system approval and submission: December 15 for CRCT Grades 4-8 January 31 for Non-CRCT and Instructional Coach To schedule an information session this fall or for more information, contact: Ginny Winifred Nweke Master Teacher
Regional Service Teams
Purpose: Create a support system whereby GaPSC staff work with particular regions & become familiar faces & voices to educators in those regions – a “Go to” group that can provide quick, accurate service Team composition: Cert, Title IIA, Recruitment, Program Approval Regional Service Teams
RFP work and timeline for supplier selection – April & May Goal is to have all GACE testing computer-based in about two years Development of assessment in the three new fields (Teacher Leadership, Curriculum & Instruction, & Instructional Technology) Assessment
What you can expect –Seamless transition if vendor is different –Quickly resume development of CBT program –Current program is baseline; new contract will call for many enhancements to an already good program Assessment
Why these particular fields? –Good fit with Georgia educators –Closely linked to national/international trends in education Focus on differentiated staffing/collaborative leadership Focus on increased use of effective technologies in schools & classrooms Focus on what will make a real difference in schools: teaching & learning New Cert Fields
Who might be interested in this certificate field? –Classroom teachers –Teachers in formal teacher leader roles (grade level chair, dept. chair) –Teachers in informal leader roles (professional learning, PLC leaders) –Teachers who may want to move their careers in the direction of administration or professional learning New Certificate Field: Teacher Leadership Le ad ers hip Ru les Up dat e
Who might be interested in this certificate field? –Classroom teachers –Teachers in formal or informal teacher leader roles –Media specialists; local school technology coordinators –Teachers who may want to move their careers in the direction of professional learning or system C&I roles New Certificate Field: Instructional Technology Le ad ers hip Ru les Up dat e
Who might be interested in this certificate field? –Classroom teachers –Teachers in formal or informal teacher leader roles –School & system leaders –Teachers who may want to move their careers in the direction of educational leadership, professional learning or school & system C&I roles New Certificate Field: Curriculum & Instruction Le ad ers hip Ru les Up dat e
All three new certificate fields are service fields resulting in S certificates (like counseling & media) Certification will require successful program completion and a passing GACE score These certificates will not be available for awhile –University program development process in 2012 –Programs can begin operation summer 2013 –GACE assessments must be developed (not ready until at least late spring 2014) New Certificate Fields Lea der ship Rul es Upd ate
Question: Will an educator who completes a program in one of these three new certificate fields be eligible for a certificate upgrade? YES Question: Will an educator who completes a program in one of these three new certificate fields be eligible for certification if they complete their program before the new program is approved & before the GACE is developed? NO Is this fair to educators? MAYBE NOT, so we will develop a “bridge” to assist educators New Certificate Fields
What a “bridge” might look like for these new certificate fields: –A cut-off date will be established so that educators earning degrees after this date are eligible for taking steps to become certified (C&I rule uses 10 years) –These steps might include having the program provider review the candidate’s previous work against the new program standards If all standards are covered, the provider recommends For any standards not covered in the candidate’s program, the candidate completes additional coursework, assignments, etc. GACE assessment required for either scenario New Certificate Fields L e a d e rs hi p R ul e s U p d at e
Open Records and Teacher Testing –Recent actions suggest media will continue to press for access & access must be granted –National trend (Los Angeles & NY state) is toward reporting educator performance – eventually every educator may have a “batting average” available for all to see Assessment
Title IIA
FY12 USDOE cut GA about 22% Don’t yet know whether there will be any FY13 cuts by USDOE GADOE is the Title IIA agent; GaPSC contracts with GADOE to run the program Function of GaPSC is technical assistance & monitoring Once ESEA is reauthorized, we don’t know what IIA will look like – trend may be toward grants rather than flow-through Title IIA
Importance of Equity Plans – assuring that all students have access to the best teachers Equity Plans are posted electronically & systems have opportunity to view plans of other systems – due date: June 11, 2012 Title IIA
Risk Assessment – GaPSC required to assess the potential for systems to have IIA implementation problems Assessment rating based on many factors including: new superintendent, new IIA director, failure to meet deadlines, and others Rating below a set point results in additional monitoring Title IIA
Technology changes: My PSC & others Aligned HiQ and Non-renewable Certificate expiration Training provided: Cert 201 – Dates –Richmond County April 19 th –Forsyth County April 24 th Simplifying Certification
David M. Hill, Ph.D. Division Director, Educator Preparation & Certification GaPSC Contact Information