The Team Stephanie Miller Tia Patron Kelli Byrne Amanda Noa
Objective Build roller coaster that transports a ball from start to end in 15 seconds Entire project must fit in 0.5 m by 0.5 m by 0.5 m box when "folded up” and must be assembled in 30 seconds
Overview The roller coaster starts by going through a peg board and then it using gravity to pull the bead through clear piping around plumbing pipes Half way through the bead comes across a maze and then proceeds through another set of clear piping Costs Clear Piping – $10 Orange Piping – $6 Glitter – $5 Clay – $3 Free – Tin, Peg Board, Pegs Est. Cost – $25
Stored Energy Peg Board –Potential gravitational energy to kinetic energy First Tube –Potential gravitational energy with Kinetic energy to Kinetic energy Maze –Potential gravitational energy with kinetic energy to kinetic energy Second Tube -- Potential gravitational energy with Kinetic energy to rest mgh initial + ½ mv 2 initial = mgh final + ½ mv 2 final Neglecting friction
Conclusion Time spent: approximately 5 hours construction, 2 hours shopping Problems: Getting the clear piping to stick to the orange piping Construction and cooking issues with the clay spontaneously combusting Obstinacy of clay being willing to form into shapes we wanted Trying to meet the 15 second mark