Regional Representatives: How do you get them & what do they do? Moderator: Kathy McSherry, Eastern Illinois University, CARR Chairperson Presenters: Megan O’Rourke, Butler University, CARR 2 nd Luncheon Chair Christine Grotzke, Michigan Technological University, CARR Treasurer Kelli Allen, Iowa State University, CARR Secretary Traci Flowers-Davis, Hawai’i Pacific University, CARR Technology & Publications Chair Courtney Wallace, Missouri University of Science &Technology, CARR Membership Chair Jennifer Buxton, University of Missouri, CARR Professional Development & Outreach Chair Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Myths About Regional Reps They watch Oprah all day… They are never available They are ONLY road warriors They never have to work weekends They are disconnected from campus and what goes on Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Definition of a Regional Rep Work from home (home office) Admissions is the primary profession Live in the area of primary recruitment Individual or Institution a member of State/Regional ACAC and/or NACAC Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Responsibilities of Regional Reps Full Time versus Part Time – 88.7%* of CARR Members are full-time – 11.3%* of CARR Members are part-time ( 6-8 months or 9-11 months) Varied in territories – From ¼ of the Chicagoland area to the whole Midwest Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Responsibilities of Regional Reps High School Visits – Our members report a range from 1-20 visits per academic year to over 200 with the most common being : %* – 26.8%* – 21.4%* Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Responsibilities of Regional Reps College Night Programs – Our members report attending between 1-20 to over 200 per academic year with the most common being: 21 – %* %* %* Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Responsibilities of Regional Reps Other Duties -Receptions (68.5%*) -Classroom Presentations (57.4%*) -Alumni (55.6%*) -Counselor Tours and visits (46.3%*) -Read applications (44.6%*) -Bus/Van trips to campus (42.6%*) -Group Visits (37%*) -Interviews (35.2%*) -Parent Networking (18.5%*) - Publications (11.1%*) - Transfer Coordinator (5.6%*) -Summer Programs, Phone calls, and MUCH MORE! Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Proposing a Regional Rep Estimate of Budget Requirements for Regional Rep: $40,000 Salary (Remember the cost of living in urban areas is much higher than others. ) $12,400 Benefits (31% of salary) $ 5,500 Anticipated Comp Time Pay Out (May not apply based on your institution.) $11,000Car Rental & Insurance $ 9, weeks travel in fall AND spring (gas, hotels, etc.) $ 4,000Office set-up: computer, chair, file cabinet, copier, fax, scanner, etc. $ 1,500Marketing/Advertising of new position $ 3,000New events in region $ 1,100Cell phone & annual service $ 3,000Additional search name purchases $10,000Additional printing and postage $ 700Internet/Fax annual services $ 1,800Storage Unit $ 480Parking/I-Pass (Could be significantly higher in city of Chicago. It’s normal to expect $100-$250/month depending on location. ) $ 1,000Copy Service and Miscellaneous (GPS, AAA membership, etc) $104, 480ESTIMATED TOTAL Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Power of Proximity Increase student and community contacts Build Familiarity with Region Increase Travel Results – Increase diversity – Commitment to far away constituents – Added Visibility Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Realistic Expectations Delegate Results – Trust Instincts – Create opportunities within region – Foster creativity & enthusiasm Community Involvement (Stay Active) – Regional Organization (like CARR) – State/Regional ACAC – NACAC The Three Year Plan Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Realistic Expectations ( 3 years to success) Year One – Office Set up – Learn territory – Connect with counselors – Visit, visit, visit! Exposure! – Slight increase in apps and enrollment Year Two – Refine Travel – Focus on Spring Yield Events – Year End Report – Increase applications 20-50% Year Three – Streamline travel – Host counselor events, info sessions – Partner with HS counselors – Year End Reports with trends – New Projects Alumni Admissions Online Newsletters Live Chat – Budget – Maintain applications, work on increasing yield Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Example of New Territory Chicago Area Regional Representatives – Regional introduced in 2000
Communication & Accountability Communicate regularly with a direct supervisor (47.3%* report to the Director) Designate a “go-to” person on campus Participate in regular meetings (84.8%* do so via Conference Call) & staff retreats (82.1%* participate) Find a regular reporting and evaluation structure that mirrors on-campus staff A regional rep is just that…regional! Goals and tasks should reflect that. – 48.2%* every other month or less – 78.6%* once a month or less Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Characteristics of a Good Reg. Rep. Self-motivated Independent-learner Good communicator Organization, Organization, Organization Strong support system in & out of admissions – 93%* of membership members of IACAC – 59.6%* are members of NACAC – 50.9%* are member of an IACAC or NACAC committee Knowledge of the admission process – 56.1%* have been an area rep less than 4 years – 70%* have been in admissions 5 years or more – 61.4%* are NOT an alumnus of the school they represent Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Ups & Downs of Being a Reg. Rep. Pros Autonomy Doing something different every few months The students! Using creativity in recruitment plans and goals for the year Flexibility! Cons Perception that regional reps don’t do anything Loneliness/Feeling forgotten by campus Lack of communication from campus Amount of travel can be tedious Lack of understanding of what a regional is and what that position needs Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Words of Wisdom Chicago Area Regional Representatives
Questions? *All percentages given in this presentation were taken from the CARR survey. 62 members participated. Leave your business card with us to be sent the complete survey results via . Chicago Area Regional Representatives