Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Today is Monday April 13 DAY 5
Celebrate Life! Please bring in items for the baby drive for pregnant refugee women served through Catholic Charities.
The mandatory meeting for students attending Appalachia is tomorrow, April 14th after school. We will meet in G10 from 2:45 - 4:00.
Girls Who Code Club MISSION: Girls Who Code programs work to inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. Meeting: Monday, April 13 at 2:45 Collaboration Room
French Club The next French Club meeting will be on Tuesday, April 14, after school in Room 208. We will have a French-themed Game Day with Twister, Jeopardy, and more!
Congratulations to our National Latin Exam Award Winners! Summa Cum Laude -Molly DeLuca -Katarina Mico -Isabella Very Maxima Cum Laude -Megan Ellery -Meredith Flanagan -Jessica Huang -Emma Lowry -Giovanna Tatannani -Anne Trainer -Vanessa Vogel -Angela Zenchak Cum Laude -Jamie Gatesman -Kelli Johnson -Mary Beth Miller -Samantha Rende -Maggie Rizk -Sophia Salvi -Blaine Snyder -Adison Staskiewicz -Maura Ward -Julia Wingard -Chloe Wojcik Magna Cum Laude -Caroline Albacete -Guinevere Deroy -Zoya Domashnev -Marielle Gleason -Jenna Hertzer -Johanna Loughran -Kaitlin Laird -Madison Parry
The Pittsburgh Elite Volleyball Association Premier 16-1 team competed on Saturday near Harrisburg, PA in the Keystone Region Volleyball Association's championship. This team of nine players has two Oakland Catholic students on their roster, Caroline Bain and Natalie Palastro. The girls played six matches over an 11 hour period on Saturday to win the tournament and secure a bid to the USAV Junior National tournament in June which will be held in New Orleans, LA. Both Natalie and Caroline will be traveling to the Disney Showcase Tournament this Thursday - Sunday to compete against teams from across the nation. In addition to winning first place, PIttsburgh Elite had another team in Saturday's tournament that took fourth place, Premier This team has three Oakland Catholic students on their roster: Erin Schorr, Graziella Gulli and Kallan Baldis. These players have all worked extremely hard this season, and they represent both their club and Oakland Catholic well with good sportsmanship and grace.
DANCING WITH THE VIKINGS The third annual Dancing with the Vikings will be held Friday, May 1 st at Central Catholic’s McGonigle Theater. It will begin at 7 o’clock. Attend to watch some of your fellow students teach some Central Vikings a few dance moves. All funds will go toward The Guatemala Club and Central’s Haiti Fund. Admission is $5. Tickets will be sold next week during lunches. Bring some friends! It is a great event for an even greater cause!
Celebrate Life! Celebrate Life! Beginning today, Respect Life Club is having a drive for baby items for refugee women from Nepal. The baby items will go to Catholic Charities to help these women and their babies. A list of needs will be posted outside the Campus Ministry office and also in Religion classrooms. The drive will go from April 7 – 17 th.