La rutina diaria (part 1) I can: Talk and write about my daily routine Understand when I read or hear about daily routines
Repaso O We already have a list with some verbs to talk about things we do throughout our day O It is important to remember thesubject pronouns & verb conjugations for those verbs. O Some of the verbs we have already: ir, ser, leer, estudiar, hacer, escribir, aprender, tener…
Let’s add a few verbs O These next 3 verbs are used slightly different than you are used to seeing, but it’s okay! We will work through them together and with practice, it will become second nature! O Let’s talk about “reflexive verbs” O When a verb is “reflexive”, the subject and the object are the same.
Reflexive Verbs These are verbs that demonstrate a person performing an action on oneself. Reflexive VerbEnglish Translation LevantarseTo get up (To get oneself up) AcostarseTo go to bed (To take oneself to bed) BañarseTo bathe (To bathe oneself) Remember, Spanish is a language of patterns. Do you see any patterns in the verbs?
Let’s take a closer look… O Although the infinitive forms of reflexive verbs end in “–se”, they are still “-ar”, “-er”, or “-ir” verbs. O Use the ending right before the “-se” to determine what type of verb it is O Let’s see which category (“-ar”, “-er”, or “-ir”) each of your reflexive verbs belong…
What type of verb is “levantarse”?
What type of verb is “acostarse”?
What type of verb is “bañarse”
The reflexive verbs you have this week are all “-ar” verbs! You already know how to conjugate these… for the most part!
Check under your desk… One of you is the lucky winner of a midterm exemption!
Reflexive verbs have “-se” attached to the end of the verb in the infinitive form. In order to conjugate, you will need to use “reflexive pronouns” instead of “subject pronouns”
Reflexive Pronouns These do not use the subject pronouns you are used to. You will have to memorize these! SingularPlural Me1st personNos Te2nd personOs Se3rd person/2nd person- formal Se
Levantarse SingularPlural Me levanto- I get upNos levantamos- We get up Te levantas- You get upOs levantáis- You all get up (España) Se levanta- He/She gets up You get up (formal) Se levantan- They get up You all get up (formal) What did we do here? 1.Drop the “-se” 2.Place the appropriate reflexive pronoun in front of the verb 3.Conjugate the verb as usual
Bañarse SingularPlural Me baño- I batheNos bañamos- We bathe Te bañas- You batheOs bañáis- You all bathe (España) Se baña- He/She bathes You bathe (formal) Se bañan- They bathe You all bathe (formal) What did we do here? 1.Drop the “-se” 2.Place the appropriate reflexive pronoun in front of the verb 3.Conjugate the verb as usual
Acostarse “Acostarse” is a little different. It’s a “boot verb” What does that mean?
Acostarse SingularPlural Me acuesto- I go to bed Nos acostamos- We go to bed Te acuestas- You go to bed Os acostáis- You all go to bed (España) Se acuesta- He/ She goes to bed You go to bed (formal) Se acuestan- They go to bed You all go to bed (formal) o > ue boot verb What did we do here? 1.Drop the “-se” 2.Place the appropriate reflexive pronoun in front of the verb 3.Conjugate the verb with the “-ar” verb endings AND did an “o” to “ue” change in the “boot” (“L”)
¿Preguntas? Pregunta (Question)Un ejemplo de la repuesta (example of answer) ¿A qué hora te levantas?Me levanto a las cinco de la mañana. ¿A qué hora te bañas?Me baño a las siete de la noche. ¿A qué te acuestas?Me acuesto a las once de la noche.