Reading and Writing in the Content Areas All Teachers Working Together to Improve Student Academic Literacy Presentation By: Kelli M. Miller Oklahoma State University Spring 2011 CIED 5433
“I think about reading my VCR programming manual. With that text, I’m a struggling reader.” (Beers, 2003).
“I pick up the IRS tax booklet and I am not only a struggling reader but also a reluctant one.” (Beers, 2003).
Strategies to Engage All Readers in Content Area Texts
Trade books Lynch-Brown, Tomlinson, and Short (2011) differentiate between textbooks and trade books by defining textbooks as books designed for instructional purposes. Trade books are books written for informational and entertainment purposes.
Comprehension Strategies Graffiti Boards
Comprehension Strategies Journaling Write about what DID happen. Write about what you think will happen.
Comprehension Strategies KWL Chart KnowWant to knowLearned
“Reading is a different task when we read literature, science texts, historical analyses, newspapers, tax forms. This is why teaching students how to read the texts of academic disciplines is a key part of teaching them these disciplines.” (Key Ideas of the Strategic Literacy Initiative, 2001)
Works Cited (No Author). The Strategic Literacy Initative. (2011) Retrieved 03/02, 2011, from Beers, K. (2003). When Kids Can't Read. Portsmouth: Heinemann. Lynch-Brown, C., Tomlinson, C. M., & Short, K. G. (2011). Essentials of Children's Literature (Seventh ed.). Boston: Pearson.