Prime Factorization Factor Trees
Find the prime factorization of 30 Draw two “branches” off of the number. 30
Find the prime factorization of 30 Write two numbers that are factors of 30. *Remember: factors are the numbers multiplied together 30 6 5
Find the prime factorization of 30 Determine if the first number is prime or composite. (if don’t know definitions, click on the word.) 30 6 5
Prime The only factors of the integer are itself and one. EX: 3 --- 3*1 EX: 23 --- 23 * 1
Composite There are many factors for the integer. EX: 24 --- 1*24; 2*12; 3*8; 4*6 EX: 32 --- 1*32; 2*16; 4*8
Find the prime factorization of 30 Notice the 6 is NOT PRIME. It is composite. So, Draw two “branches” off of the number and write two factors of six at the end of each branch. 30 6 5 2 3
Find the prime factorization of 30 The number 5 is prime, so there is no need to draw branches from it. Just circle the number. 30 6 5 2 3
Find the prime factorization of 30 The number 2 is prime, so there is no need to draw branches from it. Just circle the number. 30 6 5 2 3
Find the prime factorization of 30 The number 3 is prime, so there is no need to draw branches from it. Just circle the number. 30 6 5 2 3
Find the prime factorization of 30 Now that all numbers are prime, write the prime factorization of 30. 2 * 3 *5 30 6 5 2 3
Prime Factorization The list of prime factors in numerical order as products of each other.
Find the prime factorization of 81 Draw two “branches” off of the number. 81
Find the prime factorization of 81 Write two numbers that are factors of 81. 81 9
Find the prime factorization of 81 Determine if the first number is prime or composite. 81 9 9
Find the prime factorization of 81 Notice the 9 is NOT PRIME. It is composite. So, Draw two “branches” off of the number and write two factors of nine at the end of each branch. 81 9 9 3 3
Find the prime factorization of 81 The number 3 is prime, circle the numbers. 81 9 9 3 3
Find the prime factorization of 81 The number 9 is not prime, so we need to draw branches of the number nine. 81 9 3
Find the prime factorization of 81 Now that all numbers are prime, write the prime factorization. 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 or 34 81 9 3
Find the prime factorization. 34 75 28 120 225 16