2 Topics The Debate The teams Structuring Arguments Speaker Roles & duties The Tournament The Competition The Motions The Rules The Debate The teams Structuring Arguments Speaker Roles & duties The Tournament The Competition The Motions The Rules
3 Teams in the debate Opening Proposition 1. Prime Minister 3. Deputy Prime Minister Closing Proposition 5. Member Gov 7. Gov Whip Opening Proposition 1. Prime Minister 3. Deputy Prime Minister Closing Proposition 5. Member Gov 7. Gov Whip Opening Opposition 2. Leader Opp 4. Deputy Leader Opp Closing Opposition 6. Member Opp 8. Opp Whip
4 Speaking Order 1. Prime Minister7 min 2. Leader Opposition7 min 3. Deputy Prime Minister7 min 4. Deputy Leader Opposition7 min 5. Member Government7 min 6. Member Opposition7 min 7. Government Whip7 min 8. Opposition Whip7 min Points of Information allowed after 1 st minute and before last minute of each speech. 1. Prime Minister7 min 2. Leader Opposition7 min 3. Deputy Prime Minister7 min 4. Deputy Leader Opposition7 min 5. Member Government7 min 6. Member Opposition7 min 7. Government Whip7 min 8. Opposition Whip7 min Points of Information allowed after 1 st minute and before last minute of each speech.
5 Overcoming the transient nature of argument Point of Stasis: the imaginary point in the mind of the audience where arguments for, clash with arguments against.
6 Motion PROPOPP
7 The State of Alaska should ban smoking in public places Prop: We should ban smoking in public Opp: We should not ban smoking in public
8 PROPOPP Issue #1 PROPOPP Issue #2 PROPOPP Issue #3 Motion
9 PROPOPP Issue #1 PROPOPP Issue #2 PROPOPP Issue #3 Motion
10 PROPOPP Issue #1 PROPOPP Issue #2 PROPOPP Issue #3 Motion
11 PROPOPP Issue #1 PROPOPP Issue #2 PROPOPP Issue #3 Motion
12 Motion PROPOPP Issue #3 PROPOPP Issue #2 PROPOPP Issue #1
13 The State of Alaska should ban smoking in public places PROPOPP Do smokers have a right to smoke in public? PROPOPP Is smoking detrimental to public health? PROPOPP What will be the economic consequences of a ban?
14 ProCon Economic Consequences? Pro Con Smokers’ Rights? “The State of Alaska should ban smoking.” Pro Public Health?Con True or False? Relative Importance?
15 Responsibilities of Speakers Construction Deconstruction Framing Construction Deconstruction Framing
16 “The USFG should open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration and development”
17 Prime Minister (7 min) Framing Definitions Model Construction Framing Definitions Model Construction
18 Prime Minister Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy
19 Leader Opposition (7 min) Framing Deconstruction Construction Framing Deconstruction Construction
20 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture
21 Deputy Prime Minister (7 min) Framing Deconstruction Construction (and Reconstruction) Framing Deconstruction Construction (and Reconstruction)
22 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime Minister Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation
23 Deputy Leader Opposition (7 min) Framing Deconstruction Construction (and Reconstruction) Framing Deconstruction Construction (and Reconstruction)
24 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader Opposition Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation Deconstruction: Safe Drilling? Construction: Environmental and Cultural outweigh economic concerns a.Reversible vs. irreversible b.Moral imperative
25 Member Speeches First speech of the closing team Need to establish an identity separate from opening team Offer an “extension” – some constructive position that is their own First speech of the closing team Need to establish an identity separate from opening team Offer an “extension” – some constructive position that is their own
26 Extensions Cooperation + Competition = “Coopertition” Parliamentary legislative model: different groups come together to form a coalition Support your side of the motion with arguments from a different perspective 1.New line of argument 2.New case study 3.Greater depth on one or more lines of argument already introduced Problems 1.Failure to distinguish 2.“Burnt turf” 3.Knifing Cooperation + Competition = “Coopertition” Parliamentary legislative model: different groups come together to form a coalition Support your side of the motion with arguments from a different perspective 1.New line of argument 2.New case study 3.Greater depth on one or more lines of argument already introduced Problems 1.Failure to distinguish 2.“Burnt turf” 3.Knifing
27 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader Opposition Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation Deconstruction: Safe Drilling? Construction: Environmental and Cultural outweigh economic concerns a.Reversible vs. irreversible b.Moral imperative Member Proposition Deconstruction: Environment & culture vs. economic development Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR promotes US Security a) Oil is critical to US Security b) US imports majority of oil c) Foreign oil comes from unstable regions d) ANWR decreases dependence on foreign oil
28 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader Opposition Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation Deconstruction: Safe Drilling? Construction: Environmental and Cultural outweigh economic concerns a.Reversible vs. irreversible b.Moral imperative Member PropositionMember Opposition Deconstruction: Environment & culture vs. economic development Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR promotes US Security a) Oil is critical to US Security b) US imports majority of oil c) Foreign oil comes from unstable regions d) ANWR decreases dependence on foreign oil Deconstruction: Security? Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR delays transition to alternate energy a) Transition to alternate energy inevitable b) ANWR provides stopgap oil c) Delays transition and causes more harm to environment.
29 Whip Speeches (GW & OW) (7 minutes) Summary Speeches Retrospective Framing Crystallizing arguments Summary Speeches Retrospective Framing Crystallizing arguments
30 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader Opposition Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation Deconstruction: Safe Drilling? Construction: Environmental and Cultural outweigh economic concerns a.Reversible vs. irreversible b.Moral imperative Member PropositionMember Opposition Deconstruction: Environment & culture vs. economic development Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR promotes US Security a) Oil is critical to US Security b) US imports majority of oil c) Foreign oil comes from unstable regions d) ANWR decreases dependence on foreign oil Deconstruction: Security? Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR delays transition to alternate energy a) Transition to alternate energy inevitable b) ANWR provides stopgap oil c) Delays transition and causes more harm to environment. Proposition Whip Deconstruction: Alternate Energy? Issues: 1. ANWR’s risks are minimal 2. ANWR = Economic Development 3. ANWR = Increased Security
31 Prime MinisterLeader Opposition Model: Allow oil exploration and development in ANWR 1. Benefits Alaskan Economy a.Jobs b.Tax Revenue 2. Benefits National Economy Deconstruction: Alaskan Economy? National Economy? Construction: 1. Developing ANWR threatens environment 2. Developing ANWR threatens culture Deputy Prime MinisterDeputy Leader Opposition Deconstruction/Construction: Economic goals can be pursued with minimal impacts to the environment and culture 1. Greater experience 2. New technologies 3. More and better regulation Deconstruction: Safe Drilling? Construction: Environmental and Cultural outweigh economic concerns a.Reversible vs. irreversible b.Moral imperative Member PropositionMember Opposition Deconstruction: Environment & culture vs. economic development Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR promotes US Security a) Oil is critical to US Security b) US imports majority of oil c) Foreign oil comes from unstable regions d) ANWR decreases dependence on foreign oil Deconstruction: Security? Construction: (EXTENSION) Developing ANWR delays transition to alternate energy a) Transition to alternate energy inevitable b) ANWR provides stopgap oil c) Delays transition and causes more harm to environment. Proposition WhipOpposition Whip Deconstruction: Alternate Energy? Issues: 1. ANWR’s risks are minimal 2. ANWR = Economic Development 3. ANWR = Increased Security Short term vs. Long term Short: Modest, if any economic gains Limited security payoff Long: Environmental and Cultural Destruction Delay transition to alternate energy
32 The Tournament 1.Each team gets one preliminary round on a Tuesday evening in February (Feb 1, 8, 15 or 22) in either the first session (7:00) or second session (8:30). 2.The team ranked first from each preliminary round goes on to Semifinals on March 1. 3.The top two teams from each Semifinal round go on to the final round on March 3. 4.One team in Finals is declared the winner. 5.Prizes: Semifinalist team: $100 Finalist Team: $200 Champion team:$1000 Top Speaker:$100 1.Each team gets one preliminary round on a Tuesday evening in February (Feb 1, 8, 15 or 22) in either the first session (7:00) or second session (8:30). 2.The team ranked first from each preliminary round goes on to Semifinals on March 1. 3.The top two teams from each Semifinal round go on to the final round on March 3. 4.One team in Finals is declared the winner. 5.Prizes: Semifinalist team: $100 Finalist Team: $200 Champion team:$1000 Top Speaker:$100
33 The Motions 1.Drawn from local, national or international issues 2.Announced one week prior to your debate 3.You will assigned the side of the motion to defend and your team position when the topic is announced. 4.Updates will be posted to our website: cabinfeverdebates.uaa.alaska.edu 5.Our information packets are not the end of your research 6.You may work with the debate team to prepare and practice (Friday mornings at 9:30 am in ADM 266) 1.Drawn from local, national or international issues 2.Announced one week prior to your debate 3.You will assigned the side of the motion to defend and your team position when the topic is announced. 4.Updates will be posted to our website: cabinfeverdebates.uaa.alaska.edu 5.Our information packets are not the end of your research 6.You may work with the debate team to prepare and practice (Friday mornings at 9:30 am in ADM 266)
34 The Rules 1.Be on time 2.Be prepared 3.Be communicative 4.Be nice 1.Be on time 2.Be prepared 3.Be communicative 4.Be nice