Chris DeJon, Kaitlyn Harbin, Ray Chiu
US regulations from liquor spots commercials Increasing trend of adult- themed ads How financial crisis effects advertising Ads have become deceptive, unethical, and portray a poor image
From 1948 to 1996, no TV station or network, local or national, accepted liquor ads November 1996, council dropped a voluntary ban Liquor spots started appearing on local cable systems two years later, followed by national cable channels.
December 2001, NBC tried to bring liquor commercials onto national broadcast programs Required for spots to promote “responsible drinking” to be followed by product commercials November 2007, liquor ads have been limited to appearances after 11 p.m.
Grammy Awards marked first time in years liquor ads ran in prime time on network-owned stations.
More liquor ads are now on front and back pages of magazines. Adult-themed companies have become more suggestive.
A year ago, no broadcast TV group would have agreed to run distilled-spirit ads. In the last few months, nearly everyone has considered it.distilled-spirit ads Number of distilled commercials tripled from 2001 to 2007
“Given the economy, there are publishers and media outlets that are doing what they have to to survive.” NBA rescinding bans on courtside ads Google and Facebook now allow liquor ads on their websites Billboard operators have allowed more strip clubs to hawk their establishments on roadside signs
Liquor advertising on cable grew from nearly 2,000 ads costing $5 million in 2001 to nearly 47,000 ads totaling $122 million in 2005. Info Stats Commercial I Absolut Vodka Commercial I Commercial II Skyy Vodka Commercial II