4.4 Prime Factorization
Prime Factorization Prime factorization = write as product of primes Ex 1) Find prime factorization of = =
Vocabulary GCF = Greatest Common Factor – Biggest number that divides evenly into all three numbers LCM = Least Common Multiple – Smallest number that can be divided by all three numbers (smaller # than orig) (larger # than orig)
Ex 2) Find the GCF and LCM of 72, 108, GCF: 2 9 = 18 1 st : Find a number that divides evenly into all the numbers 2 nd : Continue until you can’t find any more numbers Ladder Method
Ex 2) Find the GCF and LCM of 72, 108, Ladder Method 3 rd : Find a number that divides evenly into at least 2 # 4 th : Continue until you can’t find any more numbers LCM: = If it doesn’t go in, just bring # down
Ex 3) Find the GCF and LCM of 48u 2 v 2 and 60uv 3 w 48u 2 v 2 60uv 3 w 12 4u 2 v 2 uv 2 4u GCF: 12uv 2 LCM: 12uv 2 4u 5vw = 240u 2 v 3 w 5uv 3 w 5vw
Ex 4) Find the GCF and LCM of 30, 35, 36, LCM: = 1260 GCF:
TOO: Find the GCF and LCM 1) 100, 120, 90 2) 32x 3 y 3, 120xy 4, 42x 2 y 3 Answers: 1) GCF: 10, LCM: ) GCF: 2xy 3, LCM: 3360x 3 y 4
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