Scope Aligning Behavioral Strategy with Change Strategy …starting from the TOP! Align Navigate Accelerate Redefine Transform
3 The NeuroBusiness Group (NBG): the new frontier in global human capital development. Using techniques that optimize your brain’s function-and keep them optimized The Center for Advanced Coaching (CAC): provider of Master Level Learning on coaching, bringing the most advanced research, industry tools/techniques and coaching methodologies to today’s people- shapers around the globe ChangeWise: the developer of the Leadership Agility 360 assessment and coaching model Worth Ethic Corporation: the developer of Alpha assessment and coaching methodology International Affiliates
4 A holistic and structured, generative learning program, enrolling participants to their vision for breakthrough transformation Leadership Coaching
E xpanding y our t eam’s c apacity for c reating y our f uture ! Define expectations and create awareness Phase I Develop shared vision, values and reframing behaviors Workshop Phase II Action plan for cascading and measurable outcomes Phase III Recalibration of commitments vs expectations Phase IV
Discover your Authentic Brand so you Embrace and Maximize your Unique Value as a Leadership Team Connect more effectively with key audiences Elevate your leader profile Increase your efficiency- expand the possibilities of what you can achieve
7 Make Sense of the World from a “Higher” Place! Leading Change Leading Teams Pivotal Conversations Catalyst Level Achiever Level Expert Level Leadership Agility 360™
Helping towards developing complex “thinking abilities”, the major demand on future Leaders Agility Leading Change Preparing for Innovation Enhancing Resilience Prime your Mind for Change Interventions